Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

I believe there is some disagreement about how intelligent/smart chickens actually are. Or at least I think that’s what’s bothering them. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yes, that is exactly what it has been. No biggie. It is that some people do not accept animals for what they are. They will get it right one day. Have a wonderful evening and keep laughing!!!
Chickens bite

Myth. My little cousin got poked by one of the chickens and yelled, “hey! She bit me!” I had to tell him, she can’t bite, she doesn’t have teeth. And I explained when you step on a chicken accidentally they get mad and peck you with their beak. Lol
My broody chickens bite, I have V marked scares to prove it!
This project was supported by the Department of Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine. Its content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of Stanford University or the Department of Genetics.
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This proves this thread only works one way , no learning here.

Sometimes you can learn from other people if you honestly listen to them, ask questions, and don't automatically rule out what they are saying. Now my avatar is not playing beethoven, but when miss Bea played twinkle twinkle little star on that piano no one had a doubt that she was smart.(ok, it was only 6 or 7 notes of the song, but stiil... I couldn't teach my kids that much. They just didn't want to do it) When I watch chickens undoing latches to get into boxes, I don't have a doubt they're smart also. Maybe your chickens have just been conditioned to not show you how smart that are. Lol, not wanting you to make a fortune off them I'm sure.

I do not sell chickens nor eggs nor anything. They are mine and mine along for my enjoyment and to care for them. Hope to see your name in a huge billboard across USA or KY when I go down to Florida!
The only thing is that chickens are chickens and the are wired to be chickens. They can solve problems they encounter but does not mean that they are smart. Wrong word Americans are so addapted to use. So addapted that they put signs in their cars to be-little and boast about themselves and their children. Complete discrimation. That is what everything in this world is! Pure Discrimination and absolute supremacy towards others, yet including any race, color and gender. Self selfishness.

Go ahead and say things and only to me and not to others. I was comdemned but the one that instigating, does not. Seems like I am living in the south in the 1800
Myth: Ducks need a pond or swimming pool
False, what they actually need is a deep enough bowl to fully dip their bills in so theu can clean their nares. But they do not literally need a pool or pond to survive
Evidence: I had ducks for a couple years, and we never had a pond or pool deep enough for them to actually swim in. They did just fine, though i will admit that yes, they probably would have been 100x happier if they did. But they bred and lived and reproduced surprisingly well actually
This project was supported by the Department of Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine. Its content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of Stanford University or the Department of Genetics.
This disclaimer relates to PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), and Bookshelf. These three resources are scientific literature databases offered to the public by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). NLM is not a publisher, but rather collects, indexes, and archives scientific literature published by other organizations. The presence of any article, book, or document in these databases does not imply an endorsement of, or concurrence with, the contents by NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or the U.S. Federal Government.

This proves this thread only works one way , no learning here.

Sometimes you can learn from other people if you honestly listen to them, ask questions, and don't automatically rule out what they are saying. Now my avatar is not playing beethoven, but when miss Bea played twinkle twinkle little star on that piano no one had a doubt that she was smart.(ok, it was only 6 or 7 notes of the song, but stiil... I couldn't teach my kids that much. They just didn't want to do it) When I watch chickens undoing latches to get into boxes, I don't have a doubt they're smart also. Maybe your chickens have just been conditioned to not show you how smart that are. Lol, not wanting you to make a fortune off them I'm sure.

I do not sell chickens nor eggs nor anything. They are mine and mine along for my enjoyment and to care for them. Hope to see your name in a huge billboard across USA or KY when I go down to Florida!
The only thing is that chickens are chickens and the are wired to be chickens. They can solve problems they encounter but does not mean that they are smart. Wrong word Americans are so addapted to use. So addapted that they put signs in their cars to be-little and boast about themselves and their children. Complete discrimation. That is what everything in this world is! Pure Discrimination and absolute supremacy towards others, yet including any race, color and gender. Self selfishness.

Go ahead and say things and only to me and not to others. I was comdemned but the one that instigating, does not. Seems like I am living in the south in the 1800
Did you just turn chickens playing the piano into a discussion about discrimination? 🤔
Not sure how you came to that conclusion…

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