Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

The 2 laying hens that I have can get pretty vocal at about the same time every morning..10am. That tells me they are going to lay or already did. They have 8 nesting boxes to chose from but both go into the same one.
That’s hilarious! I have 4 and all 6 share only 2. They hoot and hollar a bunch in the AM, so funny. They make me giggle. 🐓❤️
I have a hen that does that...I don't think she even notices. She'll just stop and drop an egg anywhere. Fortunately they are fairly small white eggs so there's not too much mess when she drops them from a height. She popped one out while perched on a sawhorse last week and I often find them broken under the roost.
This is the perfect way of helping others through the instructions of a wise parable by an unknown Author. "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish, feed him for a lifetime." I grow a big garden too and love the way it makes me feel to give those around me, and my Church Family plenty of fresh vegetables and eggs if they need it. It truly is better to give than recieve as Jesus says. There is no way I can eat all the vegetables that the Lord Blesses me with or use all the eggs my chickens and ducks lay and I don't want them to go to waste. I just hope this lady wise's up one day and realize that maybe she doesn't need help getting money for food or bills, but maybe what she really needs is Jesus in her heart.
This is one thing I am doing with my class every year. I do a farm unit (high poverty, urban school), and after researching how to plant, and nutrients from different foods, each student gets a seed and cup, turning in to a vegetable plant of their own to take home. I’ve had about 5 or 6 start gardens with their families. I even show a video on balcony container gardens since some don’t have a yard at their apartment. This year we are hatching eggs also. They can’t keep chickens in the city, but my hope is when they get older they will have understanding of where food comes from and possibly enough knowledge to make a choice to move somewhere with land if they are interested in their own eggs and livestock. They have almost zero exposure otherwise. ❤️ I had to finagle a way to fit it into the required curriculum, so I bring the agricultural revolution to life (it’s a small part of our social studies curriculum so I can make the argument that it is relevant).
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This is one thing I am doing with my class every year. I do a farm unit (high poverty, urban school), and after researching how to plant and nutrients from different foods, each student gets a seed and cup, turning in to a vegetable plant of their to take home. I’ve had about 5 or 6 start gardens with their families. I even show a video on balcony container gardens since some don’t have a yard at their apartment. This year we are hatching eggs also. They can’t keep chickens in the city, but my hope is when they get older they will have understanding of where food comes from and possibly enough knowledge to make a choice to move somewhere with land if they are interested in their own eggs and livestock. They have almost zero exposure otherwise. ❤️ I had to finagle a way to fit it into the required curriculum, so I bring the agricultural revolution to life (it’s a small part of our social studies curriculum so I can make the argument that it is relevant).
Good for you!! You're making a difference!
People have the right to choose not to be vaccinated.

One of my Welsummers lay purple
Indeed they do. However if they choose to not vaccinate they must understand that they are a terrible risk to people in society with chronic illness. And no, not all pre existing conditions happen to the elderly, what about children with illnesses that make them immunocompromised? Imagine if they were one of your children, wouldn't you do all you could to protect them?
It's definitely interesting.
I'll get a picture if I have a brown all the way shelled egg.
Keep me posted as well. I have had purple eggs AND the plum eggs that you have mentioned. I had fun making a timelapse of two purple eggs a while ago. One was wet and the timelapse just showed it drying into the same color.
Keep me posted as well. I have had purple eggs AND the plum eggs that you have mentioned. I had fun making a timelapse of two purple eggs a while ago. One was wet and the timelapse just showed it drying into the same color.
I will. Just gotta remember to get pictures when I decide to have eggs for breakfast, or after I collect them.
My mom and many other people have thought that you have to have a rooster for the hen to produce eggs. FALSE

You need to have a rooster for your eggs to be fertilized, but not for eggs
My MIL insisted hens need roosters to lay eggs, even after I opened the fridge and showed her 6 dozen eggs all laid by girls, with no rooster. 🤦‍♀️

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