Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

I have some Roos that love to crow, but I have a hen that it quite loud when she wants to be. She's a sweet older hen, I really don't know what she is, or even how old she is, as she was a rescue. I call her my "Buff Brahma" because that's what she resembles. I named her Chanel. She is so old she doesn't lay eggs but she acts broody, so I let her hatch out someone else's eggs and she was a wonderful mama! For the most part, Chanel is a quiet girl, however, when she wants to go and sit in a particular nest box, and someone else is in there, she will stand there and do this loud whining squawk, like I've never heard any other chicken do. She is loud as well as persistent, and she won't stop until she gets the nest Box that she wants to go in. Never mind that there's an empty box right next door...No she gets right in the "trespassing hens" faces & whines. She makes the 1 or 2 hens in that particular nest Box exit and go use another empty Box so she can go into the one that she prefers. She's not very high in the pecking order but everyone seems to respect her, because of her age maybe, I don't know. She is a big fluffy girl, I just love scooping her up for hugs. She cracks me up. Here's some pics. In 1 she just finished whining at a Buff Orpington & EE hen to vacate "her" box. 😆 (Notice the empty box next door)
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she is so cute :love:)
Eating eggs is murder. (Sorry, I don't understand vegans at all)
So i actually have a friend that kind of fits this. She will gladly eat unfertilized eggs. So eggs that could never form into a chick. That's what her issue is with my eggs, that she's eating eggs that could have been hatched if incubated.

Not sure why that's her issue, but she won't eat chicken either. Other meat, she'll have some, but no fowl or fertile eggs
So i actually have a friend that kind of fits this. She will gladly eat unfertilized eggs. So eggs that could never form into a chick. That's what her issue is with my eggs, that she's eating eggs that could have been hatched if incubated.

Not sure why that's her issue, but she won't eat chicken either. Other meat, she'll have some, but no fowl or fertile eggs
Hmm! Interesting.
So i actually have a friend that kind of fits this. She will gladly eat unfertilized eggs. So eggs that could never form into a chick. That's what her issue is with my eggs, that she's eating eggs that could have been hatched if incubated.

Not sure why that's her issue, but she won't eat chicken either. Other meat, she'll have some, but no fowl or fertile eggs
strange...also very weird
Eating eggs is murder. (Sorry, I don't understand vegans at all)
You might ask them how it can be murder if the eggs are not fertile. It wouldn't be murder anyway unless the egg has started to develop and it wouldn't unless it was in an incubator or under a broody hen. I don't understand vegans either. They promote the vegan diet as being healthy and natural, but there is not a single primate in the wild that subsists on a purely vegan diet. They all consume at least some animal protein.
You might ask them how it can be murder if the eggs are not fertile. It wouldn't be murder anyway unless the egg has started to develop and it wouldn't unless it was in an incubator or under a broody hen. I don't understand vegans either. They promote the vegan diet as being healthy and natural, but there is not a single primate in the wild that subsists on a purely vegan diet. They all consume at least some animal protein.
wright, i really just dont under stand them, like wy not eat meat,meat is the best and yes i like eggs to
That is why I emphasized "beagle". Beagles are supposedly a super smart breed of dog. And you just flat out said. "chickens are not smart". Um, hello? The 26 chickens I've had were all smarter than my beagle!
My beagle is a fast learner. He needs to learn the difference between a robber, bear, butterfly, and falling leaf though.
Hmm! Interesting.
I have a niece that won't eat any chicken except KFC. That is because. according to her, KFC does not serve real chicken. You see, some years ago Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC because they were no longer serving real chickens. They are serving some lab produced artificial chicken that has no feet, no feathers, and I don't know what else. Go google KFC internet hoaxes and it ought to come up. Anyway, she believes it and there is no convincing her otherwise.
I have a niece that won't eat any chicken except KFC. That is because. according to her, KFC does not serve real chicken. You see, some years ago Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its name to KFC because they were no longer serving real chickens. They are serving some lab produced artificial chicken that has no feet, no feathers, and I don't know what else. Go google KFC internet hoaxes and it ought to come up. Anyway, she believes it and there is no convincing her otherwise.
They actually have veggie chicken stuff now

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