Chicken names needed!

Happy Henny

May 30, 2018
Hello, I have...

2 Splash Ameraucana's (straight run)
2 black Ameraucana's (straight run)
1 blue Ameraucana (straight run)
3 Splash silkies (straight run)
1 Buff Orpington (Pullet)
1 Candy corn polish (Rooster)
1 Buff brahma (pullet)

And I am looking for cute names for all of them so if you have any ideas please comment with names! :D
Use the alphabet, we raise dexter cows and we’re going threw the a-b-c’s. Make it easier. Names are overrated anyways once chicken marg kicks in and you have lots you’ll be calling them “ hey girls”, just like me
Yeah I guess Now I'm older and I cant come up with good names for my chickens, but when I was younger I could just right off the bat name all of my chicks
Here are some:
2 Splash Ameraucana's (straight run) - sprinkles and sparkles
2 black Ameraucana's (straight run) - midnight
3 Splash silkies (straight run)- chewbacca
1 Buff Orpington (Pullet) - sandie
1 Candy corn polish (Rooster) - emperor
thank you for the recommendations!
Most of mine get named by the kiddos. Our Ameracauna Roo is Jumbo, we have Static, Anna, Elsa, Rei, Luke Skywalker, Titan, Frankenstein, Anakin, Chamomile, Taylor, Wonderwoman, Bubbles, Peewee, Alfalfa, Darla, John Wayne, MisTron (Tron movie), Lori, Carl, Maggie, Glenn, Rosita, Fancy, Sassy...... That covers most of them. Also Dr. & Mrs. Doolittle!

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