Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Same.My hen Buffy runs fast,but she's fat.When ever I call HEEEERRRREEE CHICK CHICK CHICK!!!She's the first there.Thanks for using those names.(Makes meh chickens look famous lol jK)
I have a Australorp, black, named her Inky. She will come to her name, she's the watch dog of the group. Always looking and listening for noises or anything that comes close to warn the others.
I have 3 buff orps named Ophelia, Olivia and Opal and two Star Reds named Roxxie and Rizzo (I did have a pretty Star Red named Ruby, but she's not with us now)
Also my Quineas are Whitey and Rambo.
My cat is named Rambo. Everytime we take him to a vet or introduce him to family or people they just love his name, it's original.
My hens aren't all named yet, but of those who are:

Little Red Hen: RIR (she comes when called)
Sweetie: EE
Buttercup: little yellow and white girl with a pea comb (lays light blue eggs!)
Lucille: Red Star
Eleanor and Doris: black australorps (talk like little gossiping old ladies!)

I have another EE, two more black australorps and two more Red Stars awaiting names.

I named my Australorp, black, Inky. Just love it.
2 EEs: Bocktoven and Chickovsky. They're BFFs, so when talking about them collectively, we just call them "the composers."

Australorp: Mary Poopins. She was the runt and is always standing in the food bowl. Always eating. She's very good at pushing her way through the crowd for food or treats.

Plymouth Barred Rock: Barred-Rock Obama. She's 2 weeks older than the others and definitely at the top of the pecking order. The others follow her around like she's the mother hen.

Poopins and Barred-Rock are BFFs. Barred-Rock even lets Poopins step on her or sit on her to get to a comfy resting spot.

The don't all know their names individually (except maybe Poopins), but they always come when calle and like to follow me around and see what I'm doing.
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2 EEs: Bocktoven and Chickovsky. They're BFFs, so when talking about them collectively, we just call them "the composers."

Australorp: Mary Poopins. She was the runt and is always standing in the food bowl. Always eating. She's very good at pushing her way through the crowd for food or treats.

Plymouth Barred Rock: Barred-Rock Obama. She's 2 weeks older than the others and definitely at the top of the pecking order. The others follow her around like she's the mother hen.

Poopins and Barred-Rock are BFFs. Barred-Rock even lets Poopins step on her or sit on her to get to a comfy resting spot.

The don't all know their names individually (except maybe Poopins), but they always come when calle and like to follow me around and see what I'm doing.
Waiting for all my chicks to come when called. Only one does.
I named my little ladies Queen, Lady, Dotty, Giblets (brothers pick), Rocket, Albini and waiting for the others to show some "personality" before I name them o. o My boys are Jiggles, Epic Tail, and Bitey/Fry Pan. Because if he keeps on going like he is, he will be in one T ^T and I'm aware I have too many boys.
I named my little ladies Queen, Lady, Dotty, Giblets (brothers pick), Rocket, Albini and waiting for the others to show some "personality" before I name them o. o My boys are Jiggles, Epic Tail, and Bitey/Fry Pan. Because if he keeps on going like he is, he will be in one T ^T and I'm aware I have too many boys.
So cute, I like Giblets for a name. My names aren't not at all as original as yours. But I do like our one name for our black Australorp, Inky.

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