Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Welsummer Cross = Fred

White Leghorn = Winger

Barred Rock = Jebediah (yep, Jebediah)

Large Buff Orpington = Henny Penny the 1st/Big Henny

Small Buff Orpington = Henny Penny the 2nd/Little Henny

Buff Orp with a big comb = Henny Penny the 3rd/Broody Henny (because she goes broody about once a month)

Black Star = Indigo

and i cannot tell them apart anymore, but of my 2 RIR's, one is named Delaware, and one is named Star. Since i cannot tell them apart anymore, i just refer to both of them as "Little Red"
Well, my son and I are a little reluctant to name the hens just in know, we have to eat them for some reason! We don't really have plans to eat them, it's just in case! So we don't get very personal with our names but some of them are:
Dom X BR- "Flatcomb"
Barred Rocks-"Flops To The Left"
"Flops To The Right"
"Yellow Band"
"Pink Band"
"Green Eyes"
We can tell them apart from these descriptive names and they're all individuals!
Buff Orpington - Butterball
2 Old English bantams - Little Lady and Snowball
Silver Laced Wyandotte - Dot
Barred Rock - Josie
Cochin bantam - Penguin
Black Sex-Link - Niglet (boyfriend named her)
Easter Egger - Hannah

We've got five more that are young and don't have names yet. We don't even know what breed some are.
I used to have three mixed breed roosters

Waylen He would belt them out and end his song with a twist of his neck
Willie He would sing his song with a little Nasal quality
Bubba He didnt know he was a rooster I never heard him Doodle do. He was half again larger than the others. Bubba would stand around and watch Walen and Willie pontificate and posture and pose for the girls... Like he was watching TV. Tiping his head from side to side.
Heck he never even grew tail feathers... Now I know he was an Auracana...

Then one day I heard this beautiful quail like song... it was like bells with a doodle do in there.... I thought Walen and Willie had taught the Wild quail how to Doodle Do... So I started watching for the quail.... Sitting in my chair in the back yard I heard it again... Waylen belted his out.... Willie added a nasal twang.... and here comes Bubba... With the Bell like quail voice. That was the day his name changed from Bubba to Gomer....

For those who dont know Gomer Pyle was a character played on TV by Jim Neighbors.... He was a goofy comedian Southern bumpkin good hearted character. Who Was classically trained in Opera.... and very very good at it.
Names from my 3 and 5 year old boys!!

2 warrens , =Scooby and Doo
leghorn bantam, =Flappy
Silkie, =Pecky (because she pecked all the other hens when they all arrived)
2 tiny ? bantams called Bubble and Squeak

Flappy is the only one who I cant get to tame and pecky isnt very sociable either despite that been the reason I had her as Silkies nature fitted what I wanted
Our oldest grandaughter came up with these names for our chicks before we got them. maybe they will help you.
Daizy, Gabby, bodle, Oliver, Sugar, sweetie, nugget, pollo, Earl, Oscar, Abby, Jake, Bill, Furball, Fuzzball, Henry, Nelly, Cupcake, Darla, Casper, Angel, Bubbles, Toot, Dazzler, Rocky, Flicker, Henrietta, Gladys,and Sandy.
Some of them are her own names and the rest she got off of
All the chickens I've ever had

Marbles- Barred Rock
Nugget- Rhode Island Red
Angel/o - Ameraucana

Flower- Bantam ?
Bell'e- Easter Egger
Jewels- Black Austrolorp
Chessnut (Chessie)- Rhode Island Red
Rosie- White Crested Black Polish Bantam
Houdinni- Splash Dutch
Carmin- Blue Light Brown Dutch
Jasmin- Black Japaneese
Amber- Easter Egger

Chicks I'm getting:
Cleo (As in Cleopatra..)- SilverLaced Wyandotte
Fern- Easter Egger
Willow -GoldenLaced Wyandotte
? -Buff Orpington
?-New Hamshire Red
? -Light Brahama

Jack Frost (white Leghorn)
Pebbles (Ameraucauna banty)
Dazzle (mix breed..Junglefowl)
Tweety (buff Silkie)
Doodle (mix breed Silkie/ Silver Phoenix)
Joe Black (mix breed Black Australorp)
Popcorn (mix breed-Delaware/ white Leghorn)
Captain (mix breed Scots Gray)
Confetti (mix breed Scots Gray)
Diamond (mix breed Delaware/ white Leghorn)
Davey (mix breed Delaware/ Doodle)


Nutmeg (Red Star)
Spicy (Red Star)
Cinnamon (Red Star)
KC (Katy's chick) Red Star
Cream Puff (Golden Comet)
Wishbone (RIR mix)
Shadow (RIR mix)
Holly (Jungle Fowl mix)
Charcoal (Jungle Fowl mix)
Tarbaby (Jungle fowl mix)
Jezebel (Golden Comet/ Jungle fowl mix)
Ashes (Jungle fowl/ Golden Comet mix)
Jet (Jungle fowl mix)
Raven (Jungle fowl mix)
Onyx (Jungle fowl mix)
Miss Cluck Cluck (Golden Pencilled Hamburg)
Potpie (Golden Pencilled Hamburg)
Helen (Ameraucauna)
Lucy (Ameraucauna)
Sprinkle (Silver Spangled Hamburg banty)
Spot (Delaware/RIR mix)
Suzy Q (Delaware)
Thelma Lou (Delaware)
Omeletta (Delaware)
Yin Yang (Delaware/ Silkie mix)
Izzy Lou (Buff Silkie)
Velvet (Scots Gray mix)


Phoenix (India Blue cock)
Sapphire (India Blue cock)

Red (RIR)
Aggie (RIR)
Nona (Golden Compine)
Bunny (Easter Egger)
Foghorn (White leghorn)
Leghorn (White leghorn)
Magenta (silver lace wyandotte)
Columbia (silver lace wyandotte)
Rose (Easter Egger)
Lily (Easter Egger)
Winifred (Buff Orpington)
Edith (Buff Orpington)
Lucy (Old English Game Bantam)
Lizzy (Black Rosecomb Bantam)
Sarah (Black Rosecomb Bantam)

Ricky (Old English Game Bantam)
Ben (Black Rosecomb Bantam)

Emmett (Cayuga)
Ethel (Khaki Campbell)
Einstein (Rouen/mallard)
My Barred rock hen is Poppy

My EE is Sassy (She's really sassy, ever since she was a chick!)

My Australorp is Zinnia

My Modern game rooster is Napoleon

My Modern game hen is Minnie

And my other modern game hen is Paprika


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