Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Buff Orphington - Millie, I call her Mills
Australorp - Zelda
Dominique - Stella
Welsummer - Ruby
Sussex - Agatha
Cochin - koyuki
Serema Roo - Django
Americauna - Clea, I call her beardy
We just finished naming our 4 BO hens this weekend:


A black bantam silkie named Vivace which is Italian for quick or lively (pronounced vivache)
An Easter egger silkie Rooster named Qunice
Our roosters:
Batman & Marylou

Our chicken hens:
ElizaJane (yes, 2 of them)

Our chicken teenagers:
Pluggie (roo?)
Wynonna (roo?)
Sweetpea (roo?)
Pumpkin (roo?)
& 4 not yet named

Our duck babies:

Mystery Duck (Runner)
Luna Long Neck (runner)
Trooper ('Scovy)

Our turkey teenagers:
Tiny Turkey
Wee Willie (cause he's willy willy cute)

Our baby chickens:

6 lav orps and 5 silkies not yet named
My flock is expanding, as I'm now a chicken addict and am striving to learn all I can about chickens.

But as it stands now...


Rio - Light Brahma; His name is Spanish for 'River'. He will have 'river' of chooks as his descendants.
[8 1/2 months old]

Elvis Presley -White Black-tailed Jap bantam/OEGB cross; not exactly sure what Elvis means. [1 year]

Chucky - Light Brahma/Buff Orpington cross; Chucky is Old English for 'man'. [12 weeks old, Rio's first born.]


Ramona - Light Brahma; Ramona is German for 'protector'. [9 months old]

Beatrice - Buff Orpington; Beatrice is Latin for 'Blessed Traveler'. [9 months old]

June - Buckeye; June is derived from the Greek goddess 'Juno' who was the goddess of births. [1 year and 8 months]

Iris - Easter Egger; Iris is Greek for rainbow. [7 1/2 months old]

Ruby - Easter Egger; Ruby, obviously.
[7 1/2 months old]

Victoria - Silver Laced Wyandotte; Victoria is Latin for 'Victorious one'. [7 1/2 months old]

Mabel - Shamo; Mabel is Latin for 'My beautiful One'. [6 1/2 months old]

Ethel - Bantam Partridge Wyandotte; Ethel is Old English for 'Noble'. [7ish months old?]

Isadora (for short we call her 'Izzy') - Old English Game Bantam; Isadora is Greek for 'Gift of the moon'. Yeah, like the moon gave her to me.
[18 months old]

Those are all my chickens.
domino my milli oegb from ideal
blue boy my self blue d'uccle (i think from ideal)
one milli d'uccle baby no name yet
one porcilian d'uccle no name yet

and gone but not forgotten

golden girl my whited buff oegb
Chuck- Silkie

Mystery- Silkie

Cadenza- SIlkie

Lily- Silkie

Georgette- Silkie

Nate- Silkie

Hazel- Silkie

Moe (thought it was a boy so i named her moe)- Silkie

Darla- Speckled Sussex

Soul- D'uccle

Rod Stewart- Naked Neck

Opal- Naked neck

Shake'n'Bake "Shaker"- Naked neck

Piglet- Barred Rock
Yeaah! My RIR roo is Hedwig Lamarr, my turken/silkie bantam hen is Gidget, my Ameraucana/giantcochin hen is Elenwen, my Amaeraucana chick is Sparrow, and my Dominique chick is Babushcka , which I always spell wrong. Edit: the Ameraucanas are not confirmed purebreds, so I'll call em EEs here.
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