Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Have named one of my speckled sussex chick lucky as we thought shed died but warmed her up just in time and have called the other speckle it's just the light sussex chick I need to name. My older hens are roxy (rhode rock), blu (bluebells) and amber (amber link or star can't remember) x
Our biggest one is Queeny, because she's the queen of the coup. And then we have little Mikey whose a girl, but she's the first one to try ANYTHING and she usually likes it. So we get to shout, "Hey Mikey! She likes it!!" Ten points if you know where that's from. :D
What Gender?

I don't know yet so something neutral would be brilliant. I'm hoping they are going to be girls as really want to keep them but have a sneaking suspicion they are boys. I read somewhere the wing size can indicate sex but am hoping by that I'm wrong. They hatched on the 14th of this month x
All bantams--
Blue Cochin- Aunt Jemima (We sometimes just call her Mammy because she is quite literally a mother hen.)
Light Brahma- Miss Scarlett
Dark Brahma- Crockpot (She is a scatterbrained layer)
Mottled Cochin?? Rooster- Deputy Barney Fife (He is a one bullet scaredy cat)

We also have a pair of Pekin Ducks-
Chaos & Mayhem
Alpha (Easter Egger)
Princess Bubblegum (Barred Rock)
Marcelline (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
Selma (Wh. Leghorn)
Lola (Barred Rock)
Lilac (Blk Australorp)
Ida-know (the last to be named Blk Australorp that no one could come up with a name for)
There's over 100 but to start with we/ I call them all Chip's girlfriends Except our 1 rooster, of course, he is all boy.
1 rooster-white Silkie-Salt
white Mama Silkie-Fluff
blue Silkie-Smoke
Splash Silkie-Pies
Blue GCH Cochin- Blue
Black Cochin- Blackie
Single survivor of the raccoon massacre of 2012-Red Star- Seneca (She had one tail feather left)
Comet- Missing one eye- Helen...she came with the name
Buff Orp- Buffy
4 BR- Roxy
2 red Americana's- Mrs.Beardsley and Speckles
1 white Americana -Ghost
12 white leghorns-Camilla
24-36 assort reds- Red, Radish and Stopthat
1 of 6 RIR- Mrs. Mc LOUD!
4 white Silkie chicks- Kleenex, Scotties, Puffs and Marcel

After the raccoon massacre all the good names went with the hens that perished. And Yes, those hens knew their names when called or greeted.
Salt comes when called and Seneca. follows me around the yard. The raccoon has perished also BTW.
My six hens have awesome names. They're four generic white ones and two browns.

White ones: Mr. Goodbar, Curious George (she's always getting into mischief), Large Professor, and Lorraine.
Brown ones: A Birdie (she's the dom, and the biggest sweetheart ever, also darker) and Helen, who is pictured in my avatar.

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