Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Got 4 new chicks last week and just named them.

Blue Orpington- River
Silver Laced Polish- Padme
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte- Alexstrasza
White Silkie- Bunny

The year old hens are

Rhode Island Red- Phillie
Easter Egger- Eleanor
Welsummer- Tea
Black Sex Link- Onyxia
I decided to stick with old school comedienne names.

Carol (Burnette) - Plymouth Barred Rock (really hoping she doesn't turn out to be a Carl...)
Laverne (De Fazio) - Silver-laced Cochin
Shirley (Feeney) - Blue Cochin
Lucy (Lucille Ball) - Blue-laced Red Wyandotte
Ethel (Mertz) - Silver-laced Wyandotte

Interestingly, their personalities seem to match the names given to them at three days old.
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Male and female Golden Polish - Fred and Wilma
Four Red Stars all named for real stars in the galaxy - Aurora, Bellatrix, Electra, and Gemma
Three Auracana/Ameracauna - Houdini (the first to escape the temporary pen), Dovey (a beautiful gray with rust accents), Esther (currently all white but looks like she's developing darker tips on the feathers)
One Gold Laced Wyandotte - Henry (at first this one was called Henny Penny but then it became obvious that she was a he. ;-)
Five Buff Orpingtons - as yet unnamed because I can't tell them apart.
My barred rock is darth vader.
My two buffs are princess laya and Luke.
My RIR is chewbaka, we call him chewy though.
Finally named the Buff Orpingtons. Collectively, they are the Spice Girls. Individually, they are Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Pepper,and Paprika.

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