Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Chesnut - mix breed Rooster
Peepers - EE hen
Awesome - BO hen
Egg Eater/Baldy - BO hen
Pineapple - EE chick
Quaker Oat - EE chick
Anaconda - EE chick
Prissy - EE chick
Ralphie - Silver Lace Wyandotte chick
Bucky - Silver Lace Wyandotte chick
Several BO hens with do name - just "Girls"
2 newly hatched chicks are looking for the right names

The kids have a blast naming them. Doesn't matter if they are hens or roos - they just pick a name. Maybe we will have a boy named "Sue"
thought of a name for my BO girl......Sunhilda! i love it! and i love her! actually i didn't think of the name, i saw it somewhere on the internet.
I have 2 black tailed buff marans, Topanga luanne and suzan Ellenore.
1 rhode island red, Trixie amanda
1white leghorn, Camilla Jane
1 dominique, Agnes Armenda
1 black copper Maran, Jedra lee (named by my baby sister)
1 leghorn rooster, Stuart Phillip

My flock all come to their names. We had so much fun naming them!
The chicken that strayed into our yard we been calling Chick Chick.
and her now 11 baby's are the Chicklets!

when we decide on how many we keep.. if we keep 2 girls they will be
Chicklet and Bubble (chicklet is gum? lol and with gum we blow bubbles) LOL
and the Rooster we keep will be either Leghorn Foghorn or Kellog lol.. I'm not 100% on the names thou. we will see.
I have two girls right now... NoNa (short for "no name" cuz that's what I called her for the longest time) and Weeble... because she wobbled and didn't stay down (bad case of wry neck still recovering).
Blue One, Clear One, Burgundy One.

They're named after the color of their zip tie leg bands
We wanted to name our hens after influential women.

RIR - Eleanor Roosevelt (at one time we suspected she may be a rooster and jokingly called her Eleanor Roostervelt - she didn't appreciate it)

Americauna - Coco Chanel (I mean she lays designer eggs after all!)

Black Australorp - Lady Gaga (she's sort of an ugly 'duckling' you might say, but she's still a superstar and the top of the pecking order)

Barred Rock - Nancy Pelosi (she's the loud one)
Mine are

our 2 original batch EE hens: Wattle and Daub

then we got 4 more EE:
(all named after characters from "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly")
Bill Carson
Angel Eyes

Blondie and Angel Eyes turned out to be roos so we had to get rid of them.

Never really named the 2 bantams, I should be selling them today
Two were named by my son (2 years old):
Silver Sebright: No
GLW: Chocolate Milk

And the other two were a collaborative effort between me, the DH, and our roommate.
Mille Fleur D'Uccle: Miss Fortune (Looks like it may be a Mister Fortune!)
White Silkie: Fwuffy D. Bird
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