Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

chicken - Black sex link
chicken - Black sex link
chicken - Black sex link
chicken - Black sex link
The dumb one - Black sex link (when i let them out to free range she losses her way and wants to pass threw the wire instead of using the gate)
I used to have a rooster named Roo but had to give him away.
i have all silkies. my origional 8 chickens were named:

Dil - white roo
Erica - white hen
Nugget - gold hen
Junk - gold roo
Shaniqua - partridge roo
Chimmychonga(chimmy) - partridge hen
Sparkles - black hen
Frank - black hen

some other chickens ive had over the years ( all silkies ) are Pit, Syndrome, Milo, Jamal, Muffin, Boots, Teddy, Gimpy(she had one leg.) Poe, and Cuddles:)
My D'uccles aren't all named but the ones that are:
Henny (Golden Neck)
Penny and Penny (Blue Mille Fleur) It took me awhile to figure out they were almost exactly alike, so by then they both had the same name.
Angel (Golden Neck)
Red (Blue Millie Fleur)
Sweetie Pie (Golden Neck)
I have 24 D'uccles. The 6 above are the ones that like to come sit in your lap(or on your shoulder or head). The others are content to stay at your feet and they are called 'Babies'.

Other Chickens
Big Mamma and Little Mamma (breeds unknown)
Georgeous (Banty Rooster)
Specs (Banty Hen)
Chiquita (Banty Hen)

These 2 are called 'The Honeymooners', they are suppose to have eggs together.
Poppy (Naked Nake Rooster)
Mommy (Black Ameraucana Hen)
"Pecker" is our white chicken (not sure of her breed) named by my 4 yr old step-son . We've gotten a lot of mileage out of that one!

Cinderella - (our campine)

None of the other 16 have names- we were trying to limit how attached we got but it's too late- they're all like pets now!
Rhode Island Red - Paprika
Barred Plymouth Rock - Pepper
New Hampshire Red (I think) - Nutmeg
White Leghorn - Snowball
Buff Brahma - Buffy
Red Star - Belina

We're not super creative and the kids helped name them.

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