Chicken names?

My girls-
Rhode Island Red- Red Fez (restaurant in Rhode Island
Black Copper Maran- Willy "Wonka" (Because of the chocolate colored eggs of course!
Americana- Easter (Because of her multi-colored eggs
last but not least
Buff Orpington- ChewBawka
We have all our Hen's under our hen house roof now. Yesterday we finally got all of them named:

Molly {RIR}
Prudie & Trudie RIR
Maude {IDK}
Hazel & Mable {Easter Egger}
Lacy & Slyvie {Sliver laced hamburg, we think}
LooLoo {cochin}
Minnie {Barred Rock}
Missy {IDK but she looks like a Mocking bird,the state bird of MS}
Peggy {IDK but she looks like a penguin}
Padi {possibly EE,but they were born on St.Patricks day,this the name}
Tink {she's the cutest lil Buff Orp. She is the runt,but also a clown,so she looks like a Tink}

We chose those "Old Lady" names for ours too!
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my roo is Big Boy
hen is One-Eyed Jackie (she lost an eye to a wire fence)

i have named 2 of the chicks. I havent named the rest of them yet. Im waiting for them to get older. also, i havent thought of any yet.
the 2 chicks are
Runt - because its the runt
Outlaw - only black chick
Ours, too, are often based on looks and matched to people they remind us of. We have two Rhode Islands named after redheads : Bette (Midler) and Reba. Then we have Fancy and Fluffy with feathered feet. We have Merle (Haggard) and Junior (Dale Earnhardt, Jr.). There's Goldie, after my grandma who had chickens for years and loved them.......Goldie is black and gold. Sassy is just that, bossy and rules the entire chicken house. Oreo is black and white. Freckles is black and white. Tiny is a little banty. Chicken Little, of course, was a famous chicken in a book and named after one my daughter played with 20 + years ago. She died about the time KFC came out with some small sandwiches called Chicken Littles and the big brother in the house told little sister that's where her chicken went.
My Roosters, Norman, Frisco, Gracie (We thought he was a hen) and Rocky. Three Buff Orphingtons, (The Golden Girls) Blanch, Maude and Betty. The sister Bantam Cochins... Henny and Penny. The three Guineas, Peeps, Purplie and Polka.
I usually wait until I've had some sort of "inspiration" or something just sounds right for that particular hen. We currently have

Snow White (adopted with that name) who is a leghorn cross I think
Pinkie (also adopted w/name already) who seems to be an Isa cross
Freckles - he only made it to 8 week due to death by doggie but he was adorable white with black spots all over
Caramel Black - it was a compromise with my daughter & she has black shiny feathers all over but, up at her neck she has these caramel brown ones
Shelly because though she looks a lot like Pinkie her tail feathers look like they have a white shell pattern on them

the 4 new chicks don't have names yet but, as soon as they do I'll come back & share

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