Chicken Newbie


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2017
Hi, I'm Lynda from Kansas..I am a chicken newbie as of February this year!!! We have a small farm here and have 24 chickens (2 of them being roos) We had 3 meat birds butchered and weeded out 3 black australorps roos bc 5 was just too many for our flock!! lol

We have a few different breeds:
Cinnamon queens
Black SexLinks
Polish Crested
Brown Leghorns
Buff Orpington
Rhode Island Reds
New Hampshire Reds
White Plymouth Rocks
Barred Plymouth Rocks

We had one black australorp suddenly die 2 days ago that we are still sad about, but overall we have a great flock!!!

I am excited to be on this site bc i love to learn more and more every day about our chicks!!
Welcome aboard! :frow
We are glad you joined our flock.
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