Chicken Newbie


In the Brooder
Sep 8, 2020
Hello! I’m new to this whole raising chickens thing and I need some advice.
my chickens are just over 5 months and I have one that has developed a limp and is laying down most of the day. She is still eating and drinking, and I don’t see any obvious injures to her foot or leg. She legs me move her toes around and stretch her leg out. Is there something else I should be looking for? browsing through google searches and other threads has been overwhelming. TIA
Check for growths, bumps, crusty scales, scales with dirt underneath, swelling on bottom of foot, or any bleeding or scabs. Then post results on this thread and we'll have more information.

If there's none of those, you'll have to ask other people, which I'm sure will see this thread and be happy to help.
Welcome to the forum.

Good advice above already :)

If she is still weight-bearing it is unlikely to be a break, so likely a strain, sprain or bruising from minor injury. My rule-of-thumb is to wait and see if weight-bearing (I would hope for significant improvement within a week) but a vet visit if not able to put the foot to the ground at all or not improving.
She can walk! Just a little limpy and lays down first chance she gets


Welcome to the forum.

Good advice above already :)

If she is still weight-bearing it is unlikely to be a break, so likely a strain, sprain or bruising from minor injury. My rule-of-thumb is to wait and see if weight-bearing (I would hope for significant improvement within a week) but a vet visit if not able to put the foot to the ground at all or not improving.

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