Hello all! My name is Gina and not only am I new to these forums, I am new to chickens as well. I live in Smithfield, North Carolina with my husband and two daughters ages 2 and a half and 10 months. I am a stay at home Mama and would like my children to grow up with animals and learn how to live off the land. We also have two mixed breed adopted dogs.
We have almost an acre of land and have just started getting into gardening and composting and trying to be more green and self sufficient. I have 4, one month old Rhode Island Reds (supposedly pullets) and two Barred Rock chicks, one is about 2 weeks, the other a few days old. I was told that the Reds were pullets but one is acting especially aggressive and I'm starting to think she is a he. Who knows what my barred rocks are....hopefully pullets, but we'll see. My hubby picked them out using some sexing techniques he read about on-line, but I don't think they really work. I can't have Roos in my area so here's hoping they all turn out to be ladies!!
I ran into backyard chicken while doing research on breeds and basics of taking care of chicks and also coop building. I think its a great site! Although a bit addictive! lol I'm looking forward to getting to know some other chicken enthusiasts.....most of my friends think I'm a bit wacko for getting chickens!
We have almost an acre of land and have just started getting into gardening and composting and trying to be more green and self sufficient. I have 4, one month old Rhode Island Reds (supposedly pullets) and two Barred Rock chicks, one is about 2 weeks, the other a few days old. I was told that the Reds were pullets but one is acting especially aggressive and I'm starting to think she is a he. Who knows what my barred rocks are....hopefully pullets, but we'll see. My hubby picked them out using some sexing techniques he read about on-line, but I don't think they really work. I can't have Roos in my area so here's hoping they all turn out to be ladies!!
I ran into backyard chicken while doing research on breeds and basics of taking care of chicks and also coop building. I think its a great site! Although a bit addictive! lol I'm looking forward to getting to know some other chicken enthusiasts.....most of my friends think I'm a bit wacko for getting chickens!