Chicken noise advice


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 20, 2014
Spring City Pennsylvania
Hey y'all. I need a little help. A little bit ago I went out to check on my chickens and noticed that my Colombian Wyandotte, Louise, was making a sound I've never heard. She's got her mouth open and she's making a constant almost goose like sound. I immediately brought her inside away from the flock. I did some quick googling but couldn't find much. We lost Louise's sister, Thelma, a month or so ago due to the heat so my first thought was its heat related as it was very hot and humid here today.
She's a month shy of a year old and she laid an egg today. Her eyes and nose look clear. Her crop feels normal, her lungs sound fine and I couldn't see anything down her throat. I plan on checking again when my husband gets home tonight so he can help hold on to her while I look.
Any advice would be amazing. Thank you!
I am not an expert, but don't think it is heat related. Pennsylvania was not in the 100 degree range today ??? I could be that she swallowed something larger than comfortable and was showing discomfort. Another possibility is she may have swallowed a bee or wasp and the lil devl. stung her on the way down. Many chicken diseases are respiratory related, so I hope your chicken recovers. Treatments are expensive and for one chicken a vet bill can really make you rethink your finances. Obviously if you have a large flock and it is your business or livelihood, then a vet bill will save you your bacon.

Thank you so much. I believe you are right. She is fine this morning. No more noise and just relaxing. I'm going to keep an eye on her for a little while longer and then let her back out with the flock. I really appreciate it!
It could have been stridor, caused by something partially blocking the airway. She may have coughed it out, or if it was food, she may have swallowed it. Stridor can be common in a respiratory infection as seen in this short video:

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