chicken noob in TN


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 3, 2010
Possum Town, TN
Hello All,

My name is Amanda and my MIL bouught my son two chicks in April. One of them died, and my FIL was keeping the other in a 2x2 cube, so my husband decided to build it a coop at our house. We have no idea what we are doing, or even what sex the chicken is. Then the next day my MIL declares that our chicken is a hen and brings home a full grown rooster. I'll be posting about this in the appropriate thread in a bit.

Anyway, any and all advice is welcome. I'm just trying to be a good chicken owner.


from N.W. Tennessee Glad you joined up.

You'll find tons of info on BYC, and alot of great folks to help with any questions you might have.
from Ohio. So glad you joined up. My only advice when building a coop, make it as large as you can afford. You are not going to stop at just a couple.
They are addicting.
Thank you! I've already found some great info. We live in Middle TN, a tiny little place called Possum Town.

Also, because I wasn't particularly wordy in my intro, it's just me, my husband, and my almost 7 year old son out in the country. We have a blue heeler mix named chewy, a great outdoor cat named Ivy, tons of fish and just discovered we have 2 RIR roosters! We'll be keeping the one we raised (Bugsy aka Betsy) and trying to re-home Buster.
There is such wonderful information on this site and people have been so helpful!! I'm sure you will love it here.
from Leiper's Fork! My suggestion is read everything you can about coops, predators, raising chicks, etc. You can't have too much info about chickens. Welcome to chicken addiction!

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