Chicken not completely laying egg before exiting coop


7 Years
May 22, 2012
Hi Everyone, I have searched for someone else who may have had this problem. I have 2 (wish I could have more) very healthy and spoiled buff orpington hens (what a leaning experience raising them from chicks). They are a year old and started laying this past Nov. One lays in the nesting box and the other lays on the floor under the box, haven't figured that out yet! The problem is the one that lays under the box goes in to lay her egg, but the egg seems to stick and doesn't completely release until she jumps on the step out of the coop. Her eggs the past few days have done this, they don't break but they crack when they hit the step. She does lay big eggs, I don't know if this is the problem or if she needs some type of lubricant or is lacking something in her diet. They both seem very happy and healthy, I just hate finding a cracked egg! Help
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Why not lock them in until after they're done laying. That way, she won't be able to get on the step, where the egg falls out.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Is this something she has been doing since she started laying, or just in the last few days? Maybe a higher lip on the front of the box would help. It could be that the eggs are getting rolled out of the box during the "nesting" process.
@ muttsfan, She doesn't lay in the box, seems to like the floor better. I used to live in Grayling, loved to visit the UP!
Welcome to BYC! Sounds like you already got some good suggestions. We're still waiting for ours to start laying here. Enjoy your flock!
Thanks everyone! She finished laying her egg in her usual spot inside the coop today.

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