Chicken not standing

Cathy Schnedler

In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 26, 2017
I have an approx 8 month old chicken who cannot stand. I can move her legs without resistance. She can grip with her feet. No sign of injury. No sneezing or coughing. Eats and drinks and poops look normal. Is alert. Any ideas?
When is the last time she laid an egg?
How long has she been like this?
Any chance she ate moldy feed, something toxic or rotten?
Photos of her and her poop?

Hard to know what's going on with her, could be disease like Marek's.
Look her over for lice/mites, any injury or swelling to the joints, legs and feet. Make sure her crop is emptying overnight.
You can try offering vitamin support to see if that makes any difference. 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily.
When is the last time she laid an egg?
How long has she been like this?
Any chance she ate moldy feed, something toxic or rotten?
Photos of her and her poop?

Hard to know what's going on with her, could be disease like Marek's.
Look her over for lice/mites, any injury or swelling to the joints, legs and feet. Make sure her crop is emptying overnight.
You can try offering vitamin support to see if that makes any difference. 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily.
sounds like egg problem - administer calcium and antibiotics

this is emergency level treatment - so if you can take to vet then please do

is she using bathroom? What does her poo look like which will give you a wealth of information

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