Chicken on a leash?


11 Years
Aug 8, 2008
I was sitting around drinking coffee this morning, trying to envision daily life with my future chickens.

I thought to myself "I'd really like to be able to take my chicken with me when I am in another part of the property so she can eat the bugs and grass there"...

I pictured a chicken on a leash so she could roam on the grass around under my watchful eye and not be stuck in a tractor.
I had most of my chickens since they were quite little. If you teach them to, they'll follow you. My big ones don't follow me, but they still tend to go wherever I am if I make this one peeping sound that I make every time I feed them. They hear that sound they think food and come arunnin'!

Its really cute! I put down a little feed where I want them to "work" and they get busy! They don't stay there, but I only really let them free range when I am with them, so I can usually keep them nearby.

They're alot more responsive than I had expected them to be!
Actually a chicken on a leash is an anchient idea and practice. In the days of (probably still going on somewhere) of the chicken fight era people would train there fighters on a leash (adding resistance to build up the legs and stamina especially) and exercise them with long walks/runs.
I just had a chicken on a leash today as a matter of fact. They won't walk for me yet, but I brought them into my daughter's preschool class and wanted to make sure they didn't go tearing around the classroom.

I had an old thread about chicken leashes when I first started looking into it. I'll try to find it for you.
I had no idea this was even possible - I thought I was being really silly!

sooo cool - definitely gettin' a leash.

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