chicken pecked in head and eye


9 Years
Jun 13, 2015
So I went this morning to do my daily check on our chickens and I had a young pullet laying down in the corner of the chicken run. She was not moving and when I picked her up I noticed that her eye is slightly swollen with some dried blood on it making it so she cannot open it and there was a small peck wound on the back of her head (I'd say slightly larger an ink pen tip) but it was not actively bleeding. I separated her and put food and water (with electrolytes) for her, she showed no interest in either, so I scrambled her an egg, also showed no interest in it. She is just laying down with her eyes closed. Has anyone seen chickens come back from a pecking injury like this, should I give her a day or should I go ahead and cull her? I want her to have a chance to survive, but I also do not want her to be in pain only to die. Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
So I went this morning to do my daily check on our chickens and I had a young pullet laying down in the corner of the chicken run. She was not moving and when I picked her up I noticed that her eye is slightly swollen with some dried blood on it making it so she cannot open it and there was a small peck wound on the back of her head (I'd say slightly larger an ink pen tip) but it was not actively bleeding. I separated her and put food and water (with electrolytes) for her, she showed no interest in either, so I scrambled her an egg, also showed no interest in it. She is just laying down with her eyes closed. Has anyone seen chickens come back from a pecking injury like this, should I give her a day or should I go ahead and cull her? I want her to have a chance to survive, but I also do not want her to be in pain only to die. Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Can you provide a picture?

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