Chicken Questions!


Aug 21, 2023
South NJ
I’m new to this chicken thing 😂 so I have a lot of questions … I have a really large tote ( it is wheeled) but it is black and many sites say it should be clear? Is this tote ok to use for the brooder? It’s like a 155 or 170 gallon tote big heavy duty with wheels?
I also will be keeping them in a room in my home temporarily until old enough for coop … but I do have 3 dogs and a cat so I will keep door closed my question is … if using the tote how did you all set up the light for heat ? If there is a lid with holes? Or am I better off making a closure with chicken wire? Or screening for them while small?
I have 8 chicks will this be big enough for them?
Chicks are 2 buff Orpington 2 red sex links 2 silkies and 2 silver lace Wyandottes. So 4 of them are larger chickens. Of course they will be small for a few weeks but will this work for them till I can get them outside?
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

it is black and many sites say it should be clear? Is this tote ok to use for the brooder?
I personally wouldn't use it. If you must, use a brooder plate, not a heat lamp.
I also will be keeping them in a room in my home temporarily until old enough for coop
Why? Chicks are old enough to be in the coop when they hatch. I've never kept chicks in my house. I would set them up in the coop with a brooder plate from the get go.
How large is your coop?
Or am I better off making a closure with chicken wire?
Always shoot for maximum ventilation.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Totes are ok to use but make sure each chick has 1 Sq foot of space, they grow fast and hard. They get bored in the brooder and not enough space will have them pecking eye balls, biting toes, pulling feathers, etc... Heat on one end, food and water on the other. So warm on one end, cool on the other. No lids at all, heat and smells need to rise up and out, oxygen needs in. Use chicken wire, hardware cloth or a screen over the top to keep them in and other things out.

Good luck and welcome aboard!
Welcome. I use these for my baby chicks (below link). I love their ventilation, how easy they are to clean (and that they get clean), they are so inexpensive that I throw it away after they go in to the coop, and you can zip the bottom off when you want. However, this only works if they are away from other chickens because the top is not hard and will collapse if a chicken jumps on the top. For heat I used a radiant panel heater. I will also give you the link. Anything that takes a fire worry away was my choice. And like others have said - you need to have plenty of space for them to be able to get away from the heat.,aps,157&sr=8-51,aps,145&sr=8-10

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