chicken r flying


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
This is our first flock ever, we are having a great time.
Husband has made coop just need to add nesting boxes. The girls are about 6 weeks old and we had to put some chicken wire on their training coop because they were flying out. I read on here that you shouldn't clip their wings until they are adults??? they seem a little cooped up (ha ha) as well there are 10 of them in their training coop They really seem to snuggle at night and seem not to mind it would love some input.

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, you can clip their wings at that age. They are going to molt again in a few months to get their adult feathers.

Only clip one wing. That way they can't get enough control to fly properly. I don't know what breed you have, but start with trimming about 2 or 3 inches off the primary feathers of the wings. (about the first 12 feathers). See if this does not help keep them where they belong.

Good luck with your new babies!

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