Chicken Run floor


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
I am building my first Chicken Run and we wired the floor of the run. My wife is worried that the chicken wire will hurt the chickens feet when they walk on it and it will limit their ability to scratch in the run. Is this true?
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As long as there are no sharp points from broken wires I think it will be okay. The chickens won't be able to scratch or dust bathe as they may like but it won't hurt them.
Unless you are worried about predators being able to get under the run, I'd save the wire. Chickens really enjoy a good dust bath and it helps to keep mites and fleas off of them. You also have the added concern of someone getting a toe stuck. There are pros and cons either way you do it, so you have to determine what works best for you.
Thanks for the advice. We removed the floor wire so the girls can scratch and have access to the ground. Finished the coop and run last night, and it now houses 4 Rhode Island Red hens. Will be adding a Bardrock and Golden Sexlink in two weeks. They are still in brooder growing those much needed feathers! Will post pictures later.


Sounds like your girls will have a ball! I'll watch for the pictures!
Getting a large chicken waterer today. Will also paint the run wood before the end of summer. Also use a heat lamp till the smaller chicks get old enough. They were making quiet a fuss being seperated from the Reds. Once I finish the yard fence they will be in the yard a few hours each day as well.
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The basic coop was fond in a cast-off pile. I rebuilt the door, and roof, cleaned, painted. I then built run from two old bunk beds we had in the shed. This is not a pet, or chicken palace, but it will do. It gets cold this far north, so windows on this small a coop were out, and ventalation holes were used. May add electric fans mounted to one of the vents on each side to circulate air if needed.
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