Chicken Run - Grass vs Dirt


8 Years
Mar 6, 2011
Hello Experts,

I am new the process of building the coop and run for my 5 little ladies. The location for the run right now is on grass.....should I let them de-sod the area .....or would it be best for me to de-sod now and cover over with dirt and sand? Not just asking to relieve myself of a a lot of extra work....but thought my peeps might like to destroy on their own and eat down all the worms and grass.....before I lay down the sand and dirt mixture.

Thanks in advance....your experience is much appreciated!!
Doesn't matter... grass will become dirt soon enough. LOL. Let them have their fun.
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I'd say whichever works best for you... The coop I just built for my new bantam babies had sand in it before they ever touched their little tootsies to it. I wanted landscape fabric down under the sand, so it was just easier this way. However, my big coop and run has grass. It's survived (with grass) for two years now, because I free range quite a bit. If it ever goes south, I'll go the sand route then...
Let the chickens do it: less work for you, more fun for them.

That's what I did.

Let them have at it, they'll have a blast - for about the hour it lasts, lol!

I have seen people on BYC build a small frame out of 2" x 4"s, cover one surface with hardware cloth as the top and plant grass for their chickens. It grows up through the wire and they eat the grass tops without tearing the roots out.

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