Chicken Scratch had bo weevels, now what

Harley Chick

6 Years
Apr 4, 2018
Unionville TN
I didn't realize until it was too late that the bag of scratch I had in storage had boweevels? I put the remaining into a air tight bucket and recently opened to find all the bugs are dead. so, is it safe to feed this to the girls? I don't have an issue with throwing it away but if I don't have to then I won't?
I would wonder how spoiled or moldy this stuff is, and I'd throw it out.

What you have in reality when you feed weevil infested scratch feed is cracked corn. Liking mold or some other micro organism growing in your feed (like happens when you fermint your chickens' food) is not a concern with weevil infestication but the fact that the weevils have ate away the best parts of the grain kernel leaving only the hull. So grain infested with weevils is none or little worse than feeding cracked corn.
As long as the scratch isn't moldy or funky smelling, it's fine to feed to the chickens. The granary weevils (they're not boll weevils) were probably larvae in the scratch when you bought it.

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