Chicken seeker in SW MICH.

Sorry it took me so long to reply! Haven't been around the forum much lately. As 1muttsfan said, there is a Michigan forum on here, with plenty of advice I think you'll appreciate. :)

As for my own two cents; once again I say Orpingtons. I swear to goodness that's not just me being bias!
They're a cold-hardy bird with a fantastic temperament, and are good around children. Barred Rocks are also considered good cold climate birds but personality-wise I haven't had the best experiences with them. I'm pretty sure it's just bad luck I've only encountered flighty ones, but it's hard to get over bad experiences with a breed! Especially when I've got such a sweet Orpington, ISAS and EE's hanging around.

Just curious, do you plan on having a rooster in your flock?
No we are not going to have a rooster. We are looking for hens for the eggs. We have a neighbor that has a rooster and that's enough for the mornings...erh erh erh....

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