*Chicken Sermon* at church this Sunday!?!

Welcome Kerri! My DH and I sit outside the coop at the end of the day and I cannot tell you how relaxing it is to watch the poultry. They all gather around us and some sit very close and seem to relax themselves. They are a gift for our mentality.
This thread is AWESOME!!!!

I wish I can contribute something that someone hasn't already said.

Good luck on Sunday - I wish I could come.


That "All I ever learned story" is wonderful.
The Chicken is the only animal that lifts his head in thanksgiving when he takes a drink, and bows his head at night. We can learn a lot about life and the fact that our heavenly father created all that we see. Rom. 1:20. The bilbe tells us to work, "Go to the ant thou sluggard", "concider the lillies", the sparrows. So we can see a lot that God has done for us and learn lessons. We have a wonderful savior

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