Chicken set up problems. 80 some laying hens and 40 eggs at most.

That'd be effective to an extent but what if a older hen is molting. It would be hard to tell if it werent irregular being the different ages.
Im having the same problem except on a much smaller scale- 20 chickens as most 12 eggs a day, now i know 1 is a frizzle 18 weeks and isn't going to lay that well, but how can you find out whose laying.


Chickens are not very resilient creatures and everything from there health, environment, breed and age can cause low production. Molting and stress can be huge contributors to low production. If your hens aren't producing to a level of your satisfaction then maybe it's out with the old and in with the new....
Sorry I should clarify.. It is often hard to tell who layed well this week and who sucked the next when they are all the same breed and age. If you are not satisfied with your flock then many people do the "all in" and then "all out" method, Sometimes a different breeding line will produce better and be healthier.

Also, if it is fall/winter months it is normal for some chickens to stop laying until spring. Lighting can help.
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Chickens are not very resilient creatures and everything from there health, environment, breed and age can cause low production. Molting and stress can be huge contributors to low production. If your hens aren't producing to a level of your satisfaction then maybe it's out with the old and in with the new....

Yes well i have about 1 and a half dozen new fertile eggs under some broody's at the moment, so i will be having a "clean out" (if the hatch is good). My hens have food and water all day long, they free range every day form about 12:30-7:30, they get food scrapes from neighbors and my self about 5 times a week, they've just been done with lice powder so very healthy, everyone has been saying how healthy they are looking, i just got rid of some of the older hen(4) the other day, ive just recently put in some Apple Cider Vinegar into their water buckets/toughs. The list goes on i cant really see much that there not getting.
I live in central Oh and given molt, outside temp., less light, the girls are NOT going to lay well. I have appx.30 layers and get 8-10 eggs a day. It has been this way for the 10 yrs. I have raised chickens and they certainly don't make money for me. They do feed us well, tho! I have a rabbit hutch that I occassionally put a chosen girl in and leave her in it for appx 4 days to see what she produces(giving her feed,water,greens of course) My 3 yr. olds laid great this summer but have all but stopped now and this may be their last winter.

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