Chicken Sounds


Jul 13, 2020
SW Indiana
I love coming at chicken behavior as a total newbie. It's all so fascinating, and eye opening, as I never even realized how intelligent and complex our little velociraptors can be. It seems like I discover something new every 10 minutes.

Take for instance the sounds they make.

I think it's funny that the first time my fids (feathered kids) started an alarm call (b..b...b..b..BAWK..b..b...b...b...BAWK....) they all joined in, and I would up begging them to please be quiet....IT'S JUST MY PARROT, YOU DUMMIES! That seems to be a more standard sound, like crowing. Once you've heard one chicken do it, you've heard them all. Just like the peaceful, quiet clucking they do when they're happily foraging.

But the individual sounds they make are really interesting to me.

For instance, The Abomination has a begging noise that I have likened to a horny bull, if that bull only weighed 5 lbs. None of the others do it exactly like he does.
And Rosie (Whole Lotta), she has an irritated Canada Goose HONK HONK HOOONKKK that is all her own if someone tries to take food from her, or if she decides she doesn't like the way I picked her up.
The Thing makes a GRAAAACK sound as he bounds away after he's discovered that the alpha hen is still above 3rd rooster in pecking order.
And funniest of all is Sissy's "Gym Whistle" (it literally sounds like a basketball referee calling a foul...thwhrrrrrr....thwhrrrrrr) when she gets excited or antsy over something.

All of these sounds are individual, so much that I think I could identify most of my birds in the dark.

Does anyone else have any particular unique to one bird noises?
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I love coming at chicken behavior as a total newbie. It's all so fascinating, and eye opening, as I never even realized how intelligent and complex our little velociraptors can be. It seems like I discover something new every 10 minutes.

Take for instance the sounds they make.

I think it's funny that the first time my fids (feathered kids) started an alarm call (b..b...b..b..BAWK..b..b...b...b...BAWK....) they all joined in, and I would up begging them to please be quiet....IT'S JUST MY PARROT, YOU DUMMIES! That seems to be a more standard sound, like crowing. Once you've heard one chicken do it, you've heard them all. Just like the peaceful, quiet clucking they do when they're happily foraging.

But the individual sounds they make are really interesting to me.

For instance, The Abomination has a begging noise that I have likened to a horny bull, if that bull only weighed 5 lbs. None of the others do it exactly like he does.
And Rosie (Whole Lotta), she has an irritated Canada Goose HONK HONK HOOONKKK that is all her own if someone tries to take food from her, or if she decides she doesn't like the way I picked her up.
The Thing makes a GRAAAACK sound as he bounds away after he's discovered that the alpha hen is still above 3rd rooster in pecking order.
And funniest of all is Sissy's "Gym Whistle" (it literally sounds like a basketball referee calling a foul...thwhrrrrrr....thwhrrrrrr) when she gets excited or antsy over something.

All of these sounds are individual, so much that I think I could identify most of my birds in the dark.

Does anyone else have any particular unique to one bird noises?
My rooster just say "puck puck." LOL

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