I may bring one of my youngins for you to check out Wendy... it's the black that we thought was going to frizzle nicely~~~ I am not sure what (I think he) is. I haven't done well with the straight runs.... If anyone wants help picking out roo's when they are day olds-- come see Pete the addict!!!!!!!!

that is funny, and helpful. have some straight runs for you to sex then!

Ok! When I find ones that I like the looks of and pick them up.... it's a ROO. Guaranteed about 95% this year so far!
Janet and Greg have been trying to convince me to come down for the swap Saturday, I am considering it because I have no kiddos or DH from Friday afternoon thru Sunday afternoon! Anyone up for some tasty beverages this weekend?
you should come down. we have a birthday party around 4 ish so we wont be drinking, however we can entertain you during the swap! LOL
we could do lunch after too, well, we could always take you to the party with us! LOL
Well we always have so much fun I hate to miss one now! I was thinking tasty beverages at a restaurant NOT at the swap (just to clarify) LOL Let's hope mother nature gives us a nice weekend because Keene is the closest swap out of them all for me. We'll see what happens during the rest of the week and I just may make the jaunt.
We're a pretty funny bunch without it! Have a great night... I am gonna try to relax for a bit and watch what is left of the Sox Yankees game. YEAHHHHHHH SOX!
I may bring one of my youngins for you to check out Wendy... it's the black that we thought was going to frizzle nicely~~~ I am not sure what (I think he) is. I haven't done well with the straight runs.... If anyone wants help picking out roo's when they are day olds-- come see Pete the addict!!!!!!!!

omg! we have picked out chicks tog a couple times! maybe I should have let you pick first so that I would know all the ones left were girls.
I may bring one of my youngins for you to check out Wendy... it's the black that we thought was going to frizzle nicely~~~ I am not sure what (I think he) is. I haven't done well with the straight runs.... If anyone wants help picking out roo's when they are day olds-- come see Pete the addict!!!!!!!!

omg! we have picked out chicks tog a couple times! maybe I should have let you pick first so that I would know all the ones left were girls.

It's tough being me!!!!!!!!
Looks like the weather is going to clear up friday in the afternoon! sounds like ya'll are going to have a good camping weekend after all YEAHHHH'
wish I could be there, I will miss you guys.
no she has her boys this weekend, so swaps are off untill next weekend.
Cassi really wants to go but she wants the ocean more than the swap the stinker. I am trying to talk my oldest into going that way if I cant drive back she can but this will be me under the seat

that girls highway driving scares the bewidgets out of me.

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