Chicken terminology


Cooped Up
11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Okay I am lost when it come to what is what. can someone list what the terms bantered about all mean.

Like the different stages in a chickens life, you call then what?


roost-- mean where they sit or perch on.

Deep Litter- The material of shavings,DE or whatever in bottom of coop.

Coop- Chicken house


Keep adding so we new people can learn. PLEASE
Hi Dilly and Welcome to BYC!!

Here's a link that should answer all your questions....

Have fun reading and learning ...

Edited because the link didn't work ...let's see if I get it right this time...

If not - just go to the "Frequently Asked Questions" on the main page of the forum and scroll down a littleways ... you'll see it.
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Just to make it clear, "deep litter" is a system of cleaning (or lack thereof) where the bedding material isn't removed, it is forked up regularly and natural insects and things are supposed to keep smells and waste in line. Some people say they have success with this, but when I have tried I end up with a smelly mess, so I clean regularly.
When you tried the deep litter method. What did you use? Did you use the DE and shavings? Did you also continue to sprinkle the DE when adding fresh to the older stuff?
The DLM only works for composting when it's on a dirt floor. If you are using the DLM on any other floor (cement, wood, lino) then it won't compost.

However, I've used the DLM for one year now on a wood floor covered in lino and there is absolutely no smell whatsoever. I think it would also make a difference what type of climate you live in. I live in a very dry climate for most of the year. It you have lots of rain or moisture and your litter gets wet it will tend to smell and have to be cleaned more often. If I get water on my litter (like the water overflows, etc.) I immediately shovel out the wet bedding and add dry.
Some people clean up every day. It just takes a few minutes to scoop out all the poop each day and throw it in a compost pile or wherever you choose.

Others clean out once a week or once every two weeks.

Some people do a complete bedding change at every clean, some people just use a scoop to get the dirty stuff.

Some people do a complete cleanout every month or two.

Lots of options ... you just need to figure out what works best for your situation.
I ws going to build our coup with a floor so we could keep the mice and possible rats out. If I build on the dirt, then Could I just put down the wire cloth or whatever it is called and then use the shavings thus leaving me the ability to compost inside?

What is the cleanest method on dirt or on a wooden floor with vinal?

ANY help as which would be the best to keep clean and keep down smell and flies.
That's a great question.

Here's my thoughts ... I only have experience with the wood covered with lino though.

I think that you could use dirt and put down hardware cloth over the dirt and then put shavings over the hardware cloth. However, you will want to make sure the hardware cloth is tightly attached all the way around to the wood sides of the coop. If there's even a little hole, something will find it's way in. I don't think it will compost sitting on top of the wire. You could intermix dirt with your shavings (adding the needed microbes) to aid in composting.

I love having the wood floor with lino over it. I know that predators cannot get into my coop from underneath. It's also very easy to clean as the shavings just shovel/sweep out over the smooth lino.

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