Chicken Tractor


11 Years
Dec 30, 2008
Hi, I live in Western WA. I just moved, so the girls don't have their coop, currently, but I purchased a chicken tractor for them. Since I've been here (three weeks), I have taken them out each night to put them in separate cages in the garage, however, this is a lot of work, as you can imagine. I need to round them up (from the tractor) just before sundown. They are grown girls, 7 years, and 3 years. I was thinking of leaving them out tonight to begin the transition of staying in the tractor full time until I have a coop made. The tractor is on grass, very heavy, well built, there is a spot where they can jump up and roost off the ground, and I will place a tarp over 3/4 of the tractor. I don't know if you have coyote in your area, but that is my concern. Have you heard of coyote digging their way under the tractor to take a chicken? I have a family or so! of coyote that meet just out in the woods beyond my house and you can hear their rallying call every night. The tractor will be close to my house, and I do have two German Shepherds, so I was thinking if there was a ruckus from the chickens, the dogs would let me know.

Can you shed some light as far as keeping chickens out in a tractor all night with coyote in the area?

Thank you!
The folks at a local farm and feed said NOT to leave the chickens in overnight, as many folks have lost their poultry/fowl to predators digging their way underneath. That's all I needed to hear.

Anyone that lives in western Washington (state), check out KIS Farm in Redmond, WA. Great place, resourceful folks.
I can't honestly answer that, but you could either close the door to the tractor on an evening or consider laying heavy gauge wire netting all around the perimeter of the tractor. I would think around 1m wide should do it. The wire should lay flat on the ground and be secured to the ground by something like large stones or tent pegs.


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