Chicken trying to hatch duck eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 21, 2014
So my 7 month old Cochin just went broody. She's been sitting in the nesting box, this morning was day 3. She got up to eat this morning to eat something and I noticed there was no egg under her, so I put the ducks egg (that she had laid this morning and are fertilized) in the box to see if she would sit on it.
I came back later today and sure enough she is sitting on the egg. My question is, can I take the ducks eggs that she lays every day and put them under the chicken? I've heard of some chickens sitting on duck eggs and hatching them. Is it too late in the season for them to hatch?
Whether or not it's too late in the season depends a lot on your climate. If it doesn't get cold too early, they should be fine. Remember that ducks take about 28 days to hatch, so that will put you into October. If you're going to set eggs under a broody, it's better to put them all under her at once so they all hatch about the same time. Otherwise, she will abandon the later-hatching ones once the earliest ones have been out for a day or two. If you're planning on putting a lot of eggs under her, I would skip it for this year unless you are in a warmer climate.
In your case, I would save the duck eggs for a few days and put them all under her at the same time. I place a chicken egg under a broody and remove/switch it daily, placing another fresh egg under her till I am ready to set her. Good Luck.
I am waiting for duck eggs to arrive this next week! It doesn't get too cold here in the Fall. I am excited... I hope my broody duck will finish hatching them for me
So my 7 month old Cochin just went broody.  She's been sitting in the nesting box, this morning was day 3.  She got up to eat this morning to eat something and I noticed there was no egg under her, so I put the ducks egg (that she had laid this morning and are fertilized) in the box to see if she would sit on it.
I came back later today and sure enough she is sitting on the egg.  My question is, can I take the ducks eggs that she lays every day and put them under the chicken?  I've heard of some chickens sitting on duck eggs and hatching them.  Is it too late in the season for them to hatch?

What part of the country do you live in?
We live in Colorado near Denver. So honestly it's hard to say if it will be cold in October. We have had some years that it's snowed in October, and some years we can wear shorts till December. It's been in the 80's still.
We live in Colorado near Denver.  So honestly it's hard to say if it will be cold in October.  We have had some years that it's snowed in October, and some years we can wear shorts till December.  It's been in the 80's still.

Unless I had a place set up inside I would probably not set eggs there this late in the the year.

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