Chicken under developed and acting strange


Jul 27, 2023
Hi! I have a small flock of 11 chicken all of which are 7 weeks old. One of the chickens I have seems very odd compared to the rest. She’s not feathered yet (she has some but not even close to fully feathered) and she’s quite a bit smaller than the rest of the chicks. She also acts a bit strange. All the other chicks run and peck and scratch like normal and she kinda just stands there or sits under the heat plate. She doesn’t run when you pick her up like the rest do. She’s just weird. I suppose she could be described as lethargic however she’s been like this her whole life. The rest of my flock seems very normal and they were all vaccinated at the hatchery. I can’t find anything online that fits except coccidiosis but she’s been vaccinated so I don’t think that’s the problem. Does anybody have any ideas? We love her and we baby her. We’ve kept her inside because she doesn’t seem ready to leave the brooder. I’d just love to know what’s wrong with her and if I can help.


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Its likely failure to thrive since she's been like this her whole life, there's not really anything you can do about it.
What's her diet? What do her droppings look like?
Its likely failure to thrive since she's been like this her whole life, there's not really anything you can do about it.
What's her diet? What do her droppings look like?
Thank you for your response. She was never quite right and it just progressively got worse. She just passed away suddenly less than an hour ago. She had started acting a bit more lethargic today. this evening my husband and I found her and she wasn’t moving or holding her head up and she passed in our arms a short while later. We are really torn up and I feel like I failed her.
We feed chick starter feed to all the baby chicks. That and grit are the only things she ever ate. Her droppings were always white milky liquid. I always found that strange because all the other chicks had brown mostly solid droppings but I’m really inexperienced and honestly didn’t know what that meant. So I know for future chicks do you believe I could have done anything for her? If it was just failure to thrive is there anything I could have done to cause that or to help her?
I'm so sorry for your loss. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just cannot heal them. I'm sure it was nothing to do with your care.
Thank you for your response. She was never quite right and it just progressively got worse. She just passed away suddenly less than an hour ago. She had started acting a bit more lethargic today. this evening my husband and I found her and she wasn’t moving or holding her head up and she passed in our arms a short while later. We are really torn up and I feel like I failed her.
We feed chick starter feed to all the baby chicks. That and grit are the only things she ever ate. Her droppings were always white milky liquid. I always found that strange because all the other chicks had brown mostly solid droppings but I’m really inexperienced and honestly didn’t know what that meant. So I know for future chicks do you believe I could have done anything for her? If it was just failure to thrive is there anything I could have done to cause that or to help her?
Oh no, so sorry she passed. :hugs

Her droppings probably meant she wasn't getting enough to eat.
I do think she was a failure to thrive, and there's nothing you can do at all to fix it. You wouldn't have caused it, its just something chicks are born with and sadly they just don't make it a lot of the time.

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