Thank you for your reply. I didn’t get a picture before we wrapped her toe up. It’s pretty much the same injury as the bird in the pictures. She still has the quick just no nail. I’m happy to hear her nail may grow back.
For something like that I don't wrap, so since you did wrap you will want to check that nail daily.
My hen managed to get her toenail caught on a shelf and, while trying to get loose, completely ripped off her toenail, leaving only the quick of her nail remaining. There was very little blood and she didn't break or cut the quick or have any other injuries. She is walking more gingerly on that foot, holding it up, and laying down more and the exposed quick of her nail is clearly sensitive. I have cleaned the toenail and foot and applied disinfectant and Vetericyn Plus. I tried putting a gauze around the toe, but the hen was not a fan and ripped it off. Is there anything else I should be doing? Any ideas on the healing process?
(Needless to say, the shelf has been permanently removed)

How did this go? Your girls feet look much like my Buckeye who managed to sever a nail today somehow but was still bleeding. I went for a tub of hot water, a couple squirts of soup, and a cap full of white vinegar then dipped her feets. After that I put her toe in baking soda and put all fresh bedding down in a isolation pen since she's not integrating very well yet with the rest of my flock.
I think corn starch is good as a blood clotter too. I know when my vet trims the Terrible Too's nails, sometimes one will bleed a bit and she pinches corn starch onto it and it stops bleeding right away.

They may be tender and baby the foot for a few days but generally if you keep it clean it will heal right up. I had one do this last year, actually broke the toe too im pretty sure, I felt so bad but it's almost as good as new now.


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