Chicken with disease??

Jan 23, 2022
Nrh Tx
Im pretty sure my hen i have just rescued has omd (ocular marek disease) and i have a small flock so i dont know what to do they might all get it now
You have 4 or 5 threads on this.
I see a puffy area around the eye but I can't see the pupil clear enough to discern an odd shape of pupil. It could be a few other things. How long did you quarantine her before you added her to your flock?

And night
You're really supposed to keep new birds completely quarantined away from your flock for at least 3 weeks, so you can watch for disease and make sure the bird is healthy so if it has something, it won't spread to your flock.
I don't mind all the threads but it makes it confusing. Any other symptoms? What is their diet?

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