Chicken with swollen abdomen- cannot take but a few steps


In the Brooder
Apr 1, 2021
I have a four year old chicken that currently has lice, a swollen abdomen, and cannot take but a few steps. My other chicken also has lice, but has not acted sick, or had any symptoms. I am currently treating their lice, but I was wondering what the swollen abdomen and inability to take more than a few steps could be a symptom of, and how to treat it. If you have any recommendations, please reply!
I wish I had good advice! The first thing that came to my mind was 'maybe she is heavily pregnant?'. But that's not how it works with chickens. 😂

My best guess is lethargy from whatever infection is likely causing the distended abdomen. Have you considered corid or an antibiotic option for her and see if it improves? It's important to keep her hydrated. At the very least apple cider vinegar and nutridrench if you have it. They don't last long without water and with lethargy without treatment.
I wish I had good advice! The first thing that came to my mind was 'maybe she is heavily pregnant?'. But that's not how it works with chickens. 😂

My best guess is lethargy from whatever infection is likely causing the distended abdomen. Have you considered corid or an antibiotic option for her and see if it improves? It's important to keep her hydrated. At the very least apple cider vinegar and nutridrench if you have it. They don't last long without water and with lethargy without treatment.
Thank you, I couldn't get an antibiotic option from a store because of legalities with chicken antibiotics where I live, but I have been putting apple cider vinegar and electrolytes in her water and orally administrating nutridrench to her, thanks to your recommendation. I think it is too soon to see results, but at least we have kept her alive. I am going to order the antibiotics online, and hopefully the swelling will go down once I am able to administer them.
Thank you, I couldn't get an antibiotic option from a store because of legalities with chicken antibiotics where I live, but I have been putting apple cider vinegar and electrolytes in her water and orally administrating nutridrench to her, thanks to your recommendation. I think it is too soon to see results, but at least we have kept her alive. I am going to order the antibiotics online, and hopefully the swelling will go down once I am able to administer them.
where were you able to order antibiotics? Did you need a prescription?

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