Chicken with swollen abdomen


Feb 28, 2020
About 2 nights ago when I was locking my hens up for the night I noticed one sitting on the bottom of the coop. This was extremely unusual because they are always on their perches at night. I picked her up to check for injuries (I found none) but noticed her crop felt completely empty, but she was very heavy near her rear. She is about 3 years old and has never had any previous health problems. It’s been at least a week since she’s laid an egg, but it has also been really hot where I live. That first night I isolated her from the others and when I gave her food she ate it. Though today she’s only eaten a drank a little. At first I thought she was egg bound, but she wasn’t doing the penguin walk and I couldn’t feel any egg in her. She can walk a little, but is very slow. Her comb is flopped over more than unusual (she got into a fight a few months ago that damaged it and made it floppy). Normally she is a really hard chicken to handle, but she’s barely been putting up a fight. I have seen her poop multiple times, but it’s been much smaller than usual. Does anyone know what might be going on with her?
Honestly, I googled it and got a gazillion videos. You might do the same. Draining won't cure what's happening, but it will make her feel a lil better.

I don't know what's causing it in your hen, but my duck was put on meloxicam and clavimox (anti-inflammatory and antibiotics). The vet seemed cautiously optimistic since infection hadn't set in, but I am not as hopeful, tbh. But it was worth a shot for my duck...
I hope so, I can't say hens on here come back from it. What treat besides draining, is given?
Depends on what's causing it. My duck got antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds. She might need surgery and hormone implants, too. There are a few on BYC who've made it. Hoping my Marmalade is one, but I don't feel great about it, tbh.
I understand. I just dropped $850 on my duck who has internal egg laying. Ouch.

You might try draining the fluid. A lot of folks do. Let me find the video folks post on BYC that shows you how.
I’m having trouble getting the right tools to drain it so I haven’t gotten the chance yet.
However whenever I see people describing what waterbelly feels like they say it feels like a water balloon and they have feather loss, but her swelling is a lot harder than that and she doesn’t have the feather loss.

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