

In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2022
My wife and I are have been raising a backyard flock since the beginning of the year. We started with a batch of two supposed Easter Egger “hens” one a rooster we had to give away of course but not to worry he found himself a place on a real chicken farm where he can be unruly and really show off his scary cackle feathers! He’s was only penned up in the photos because he was still getting adjusted. Anyways, while we faced the inevitable departure of our rooster who mind you my wife unknowingly named Echo, we began the work of raising our second set of Rhode Island Red which turned out to both be hens yay! So yea, three in total, currently going by the names of kardashian sisters. We also share two non feathered furry friends together. Our 9 yr male named peanut and our 3yr old female CC. I’d have to say my favorite part of raising feathers friends is the connection we’ve made with some of Gods amazing creatures, and sharing a homesteading experience right here in the city. Neither one of us have any hobbies per say, but our attempts at making a cozy and safe place for our flock has been an ever evolving process, keeping us engaged and teaching us through first hand experience. Seek and you shall find! As mentioned there is quite a learning curve to managing our bird’s dietary needs, health, security and environmental obstacles. That said, I felt like this would be a great community to find support, inspiration, tips on how-to and hopefully some good BYC humor!


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Nice intro -- with some really cool photos (pretty eggs, striking close-ups, a chicken and her "dad" and adorable snuggled dogs -- who could ask for more?).

It's great that you can live in the city and still have the awesome experience of sharing your life with chickens.

Welcome to BYC; this is a great group of folks who know a lot about chickens and are willing to share their knowledge. It's good to meet you!

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