Chickens and poison ivy

I'm not particularly sensitive to poison ivy/oak. I will find a few small blisters when I get into it, but not bad. But I'm still careful around it cause you can develop sensitivity to it. I don rubber gloves and pull up (root and all) what I can. If I can't get the root up, I spray it with brush killer, but just the root. That usually does it. When I'm done, I go in and wash my hands and arms with Tecnu. You can get it at most any drug store. It works well I know cause my grandkids are all extremely sensitive to poison ivy/oak and it keeps them from breaking out too.
I discovered a natural cure for poison ivy! (by accident) Several years ago I had a good dose on both arms - itchy itchy!!! Well I happened to have a bottle of Elmer's carpenter's wood glue (the yellow stuff) in my hand. I don't know why I did it (probably out of desperation) but I squirted a big glob on the affected areas. It felt better immediately. It felt so good that I let it dry and left it on over night and peeled it off in the morning. To my amazement the rash was almost gone! I did this one more night and the poison ive was gone completely! I have done this several more times since with the same results. I don't know why it works but it does. It has to be the glue mentioned above. I have tried a couple of other wood glues that didn't work near as well.

My flock is free range so I imagine they have at least sampled the stuff. They must not like it as it is not dissappearing. If they have eaten it it hasn't affected them. I don't worry about what they eat on their own. Animals can eat and tolerate many things that we can't. I'm not an expert on animal behavior but I suspect that animals are much smarter than humans about what is good and what is bad to eat. It is instinctual. We have 20 beautiful never farmed acres and from my observation I'm sure we must have nearly every plant natural to our area plus some that are alien. I've not lost any to poisoning and only one to a hawk. good luck with the p[oison ivy.
Continued exposure to poison ivy can eventually trigger an allergic reaction. This is actually true of any potential allergen, but I wouldn't be handling it, just to be on the safe side. I used to not be affected by it at all, and I'd roll around in it to impress other kids. Now it's gotten to where I'm highly sensitive. Not fun.
Replying to the lovely "Love my chicken" poem. Maybe you are spending a little too much time with the girls. I believe there needs to be a support group.
My property has poison ivy everywhere on it. I am very sensitive to it. When I am in close contact or after handling the chickens I always wash with dawn dish soap. The oil on ivy is like grease. I have even gone as far as putting some grease on myself so I know I scrubbed it well enough. If you do this immediately or even within an hr or two after exposure you will not get it. I keep a big bottle in shower this time of year for days I do yard work. It works I promise
I'm not allergic to PI but I was told by those who are...NEVER go around anyone who is burning it! If you inhale the'll get PI inside your lungs....I don't know if that can or will kill you, but it sounds very scary to me either way.

Glad someone on here posted this question....I'll just keep yanking the new plants out of the dirt when they pop up since I'm not allergic to it.
I'm not allergic to PI but I was told by those who are...NEVER go around anyone who is burning it! If you inhale the'll get PI inside your lungs....I don't know if that can or will kill you, but it sounds very scary to me either way.

Glad someone on here posted this question....I'll just keep yanking the new plants out of the dirt when they pop up since I'm not allergic to it.
Poison ivy allergy is like other allergies, reaction can develop after repeated exposure. Just because you haven't been allergic in the past doesn't mean you can't develop an allergy if you keep up your poison ivy pulling habits. Enjoy not being allergic, but protect your skin when dealing with the plant!

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