Chickens and Rain


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
I just honestly need to know because its raining here if its okay to open my coop and let me babies (there full Grown) i just call them that they don't like being in the coop but at the same time if its not okay i don't want to get them sick please let me know
I think as long as your babies have a place to go under and be covered from the rain, it would be okay. Build them a little tent so they have the option of going outside and still not get rained on. If they choose to walk in the rain anyways then I guess it's okay. If it's too much for them , they will get in their coop or under the tent.
I like coops that are built up off the ground just for that reason. They seem to like staying out of the coop but yet going under the coop for protection and staying close in case there are preditors. Just a thought.
Orpingtonlover....let me tell you what happened here yesterday. It had been raining for a few houes, then the clouds I decided to let the chickens free roam for a little while. Well...after coming inside, and doing laundry....breakfast...dishes..I totally forgot I had let them out. It was POURING rain!! I figured they were in the woods somewhere, huddled under a brush out I the rain. I started calling for them...baaaaaabies...chick chick. ( they are a yr old too) I look I call again...Baaaaabies!!!!!! Then I see them all come running from the the time I get to them...they are soaked and MAD...because I didnt have a treat for them after calling them out into the rain!
So I got them some scratch, and threw it on the coop floor for them. Moral.....if the rain is too much for them...they will go inside.
My flock has the option to go out or stay in the coop during rain or shine. We have several places for them to go under cover, but most of the time I see them huddled under a scraggly bush with the most pathetic look on thier face LOL. But when its gets to be a heavy rain, they do go into the coop or under some cover somewhere. I just figure they know whats good for them.

Good luck to ya!

Orpingtonlover.....I would, they wont get can neer predict when an illness is going to strike. Hmmmm, mine are doing ok with all the rain, and its pretty cold here the 40's during the daytime. As long as the coop is warm and dry, they should be ok.
well i have come to the conclusion they do not like rain!!! they came out long enough for it to touch there butts and boom right back into the coop and there they stayed lol needless to i just closed them up and am hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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