chickens and tukeys chicks together


5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
Would there be a probem with putting some new turkey chicks in with 1.5 week old light sussex chicks in a brooding box Or should they be kept seperate
I raised 3 heritage turkey chicks with 19 chicken chicks of various breeds. All from a clean breeder in town. My observations: The turkeys are VERY docile and get picked on. Even though I only had a 3:19 ratio, I didn't have an issue. My marans were the biggest bullies, one cockerel kept trying to breed the two female poults at 2 weeks old! Everyone's almost 6 months old now, and no problems. Even though the turkeys are nearly double the size of my biggest orpingtons, they still get picked on a bit.
Oh, and I brooded them in my bathtub together. At 3 weeks the turkeys were flying out and exploring the house :s

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