Chickens are afraid of me. How can I tame them down?


10 Years
Jul 18, 2009
After my four mellow, tame chicks that I had raised from a young age were killed by a fox, I replaced them with some older pullets. I don't know how old they were, but they were just starting to get feathers on their backs when I got them, and the body has mostly filled out with feathers now.

The problem is, that they are very afraid of me. I can't get within 10 feet of them without them freaking out. I could walk right up to my previous birds and pick them up with no problem.

I think it's because the new birds spent more time in the cage at the feed store, where they were constantly traumatized when birds were removed as customers bought them.

I've tried separating them and playing with each one individually. Each bird will tame down on its own, but once they're back together they're wild as ever. Trying to play with them all together is a lost cause, as they just freak out.

I've also tried denying food for six hours and trying to get them to associate me with food when I bring it, but they won't get near the feeder with me around, or eat out of my hand.

Anything else I can try, or am I destined to have wild birds?
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That is what happened to me... I had gotten my first chickens from a local feed store... I thought wow that would be so cool to have chickens for pets... I didnt realize how obsessed I would eventually be over them... Anyways back to my chickens... I purchased two RIRs bella would let me hold her and also let my daughters poke and prod her.... but alana was so timid... wouldnt let you get with a mile from her lol... it's not a phase because Ive had her for a very long time now... At this very moment she is raising her chicks and she is one broody brood lol... she isn't very fun right now...
Good idea on the mealworms. Chicken keepaway is the most entertaining game ever. Maybe that will get them to associate me with food, instead of with boring old starter mash.
Food is the fastest way to their heart I'd say. Get them interested insomething and don't let them have it unless they come to you. Then when they realize you are handing out the good stuff they'll love you!
I had a few birds like that, bought them when they were just about 2 weeks old from the feed store. I just kept them in the coop for about a week and brough them treats everyday at the same time, normally around 8:30 pm. They would not come near me and would just cower in the corner.

After the week was up I would let them run the yard and I would walk out every night at around 830pm with treats. It took several weeks - I don't know how long for sure, but they don't run from me now and they will walk up to me looking for treats. I can now pick up one of them with no problems the others are still a bit stand offish. Give it some time and don't give them a reason to be afraid of ya. The older they get the more mellow and relaxed they will be around you.

There is always the chance though that they will never want to be picked up or touched, some chickens are just that way. Just go slow and good luck.
Ditto on the mealworms. I catch "june bugs" at night around the outdoor light and bring them to the girls in the morning. Hoo boy, watch out! They try to leap into my arms when they see that little white plastic container.

Live insects and hard-boiled egg seem to be the best bait for chicken love.
I don't know if you are free ranging or not, but I like my birds that free range to be a little flighty like that. They are more wary of predators, more on the alert altogether than tame birds. Could be why you lost so many to a fox from the last group. Its nice to be able to pet your chickens but not necessarily in their best interest to be docile and tame.
Watermelon works too. Since I've been letting my girls out into the yard a few hours a day they are not nearly as friendly as they were. A chunk of watermelon changes that in a flash. Find something they really like, worms, melon, crickets and be consistant. They'll learn fast.

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