Chickens as house pets?

It depends on the definition of livestock. Livestock is livestock whether it's located outside, in a barn, or in your house. True, law enforcement isn't likely going to come a-peeking in your windows or listening at your door (unless you're somehow causing a ruckus otherwise), but should they ever have to enter for any other reason and see them, it could be an issue.

Also, keep in mind the square footage requirements for chickens and remember that they need a whole lot more horizontal space than vertical.
My poor indoor chickens... had to spend the blustery fall day sitting by the widow being toasty warm eating grapes and turkey

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Hey I like the pictures... keep them coming! I found out that my sister needs 3 acres to keep 6 chickens... seems like a lot of space. She doesn't own that much so she might become an outlaw...
Anyways with talking to the talking to the town hall, by law person, to own chickens you need 3 acres of land and since she doesn't have that much... I will be asking the neighbor who owns several hundred acres if we can 'rent' a small piece of land close to the back of my sister's property to build a hen house... He is an older gentleman who seems very nice so hopefully we can arrange something...
Good creative..thinking...
why not...I have a silkie..that reisides outside...though I have had her in and she enjoys the treat...
she actually is a lovely snugle tv companion...
but I too question the parot cage...I would more so say...just a cube box...that it could lay in...and some sort of a rail to roost...If it is the cage effect indoors...if this parot cage is huge...avery style...
would be fine...but the average size parot cage wouldn't...
but...the other concern...I would the average home...does not provide...the ventalation..that most chickens are used to...
Yes and more, I own a silky rooster and have trained him to sit on old towels but have heard of people litter training them. My bird wears a xs dog harness and will walk on a leash or just happy being tied outside while I am working in the yard. The mistake I find people make is to thinking they are stupid but actually bird brain is a compliment and my bird is living proof to what they can learn so think dog within reason. I would recommend a silky hen so no crowing but understand this breed is very affectionate and sociable, mine loves to sit on a towel in my lap and just be cuddled. Also I do bath mine every week or so using my shampoo and water the temp you would use on a human baby after a bath and warm towel it is time for the hair dryer just be careful of the temp. One more thing don't just think a cracked corn diet, chickens are opportunistic eaters and will eat anything, I offer mine a small bird mixed seed and allot of fresh fruit and veggies, some cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and of course a small amount of meat and sweets.(loves chocolate) Be warned chickens are attracted to things the color white, not sure why but keep toilet paper, paper towel, Styrofoam and anything else that fits this idea because they will fill their craw with it and eventually starve to death. Hope this helps you out.
I got a massive macaw cage when I was thinking of getting a large parrot - but in the meantime got outdoor chickens. I love how easy they are outside and how they feed me, but when I look at that massive empty cage I can't help but to think that having a couple silkies or bantams or seramas in there for pets would be better than having the parrots I planned!

It depends on the size of the parrot cage because my parrot cage is very tall but also wider on the bottom than any dog kennel would be. So what if they use the upper part except to climb up a ladder to roost at night?

You don't keep any indoor bird, parrot or chicken, in their cage all day. They come out to live with you and play. All parrots are outside animals that forage in the wild the same as chickens. Parrot ownership does not necessitate putting a high canopy in your living room for foraging and having a chicken indoors won't necessitate replacing your entire floor with soil and worms.

Think outside the box and have fun! Most chickens in America live in less than one square foot and are killed at a young age. A chicken sitting on your bed and in a diaper sharing your dinner is going to be living a relatively blessed life.

I don't want to bring chickens indoors because I CAN have them outside which is even more fun and enjoyable for everyone but if some stupid law said that I couldn't have them at this point you betcha there would be chickens in that parrot cage. I no longer can imagine a life without chickens.

My vote is for your friend to go for it.
Chickens are great pets. I have an indoor hen named Muffy. she goes everywere with us! shes diapered all the time. gets a bath once a week. goes to work with me. shes friendly and holds good conversations too! people think they ake dust but we don't see it. out cockatiel is about 50times messier than Muffy

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