Chickens didn’t die

Welcome! Your chickens look like they currently have a luxury home with all those nice nest boxes and that fancy roost bar set up.

Tookie already gave you the straight poop on the dimensions per bird. I like to allocate a little extra space for expansion in case you catch a strong case of chicken math 🤭

They will be happy with the new space and we are happy to have you join us!

Your flock is lovely. If you want to introduce them to us in detail, we even have a forum section for threads about users' flocks called "pictures and stories of my flock". You don't have to do that, but it's always enjoyable to us to read the flock intros. I just find it a lot of fun to read about different chickens personalities and their day to day quirks.
Glad to meet you, Tiffany. That is a fine looking shed/coop, and your chickens appear to approve, which is key. ;) You have been given some good info about space per chicken, and some hints about ventilation. And we can see you have some good ventilation going on in that picture, and nice design for the birds.

Here is an article about coop ventilation, which is charming, short and has excellent illustrations and helpful links to coop designs sorted by climate, because what you need in Arizona would totally not work in my New England weather!

And here is another article about improving predator protection for existing and new coops and runs, a top ten ways to protect birds, and a final article about electric fencing, if you want to go that route.

Best wishes with that flock! You have done a great job with them so far, keep it up! And send stories... we long to hear more.
Morning!! My name is Tiffany and I’m new to owning chickens. I’m quickly becoming crazy about my girls, and want to provide my dumb sweet chicks the best home.
I purchased a small coop, rated for 6 chickens, with a run and ordered 8 babies (thinking some would die, IT IS ALL I KEPT READING.) I got a bonus chicken, lucky me, when I placed my ordered and managed to keep all 9 fat and happy. Now they are quickly running out of space and they need a new home. (Or crazy chicken brain tells me they NEED one)
I’m now turning my shed into a new coop, because it’s cheaper than buying a bigger coop. Plus, the shed is totally asking to be a coop.
View attachment 3301365

Any tips for run ideas or extra ideas for my shed/coop?? I now have 12 nesting boxes (16x16x16) a perching section.
View attachment 3301366
Morning!! My name is Tiffany and I’m new to owning chickens. I’m quickly becoming crazy about my girls, and want to provide my dumb sweet chicks the best home.
I purchased a small coop, rated for 6 chickens, with a run and ordered 8 babies (thinking some would die, IT IS ALL I KEPT READING.) I got a bonus chicken, lucky me, when I placed my ordered and managed to keep all 9 fat and happy. Now they are quickly running out of space and they need a new home. (Or crazy chicken brain tells me they NEED one)
I’m now turning my shed into a new coop, because it’s cheaper than buying a bigger coop. Plus, the shed is totally asking to be a coop.
View attachment 3301365

Any tips for run ideas or extra ideas for my shed/coop?? I now have 12 nesting boxes (16x16x16) a perching section.
View attachment 3301366
Morning!! My name is Tiffany and I’m new to owning chickens. I’m quickly becoming crazy about my girls, and want to provide my dumb sweet chicks the best home.
I purchased a small coop, rated for 6 chickens, with a run and ordered 8 babies (thinking some would die, IT IS ALL I KEPT READING.) I got a bonus chicken, lucky me, when I placed my ordered and managed to keep all 9 fat and happy. Now they are quickly running out of space and they need a new home. (Or crazy chicken brain tells me they NEED one)
I’m now turning my shed into a new coop, because it’s cheaper than buying a bigger coop. Plus, the shed is totally asking to be a coop.
View attachment 3301365

Any tips for run ideas or extra ideas for my shed/coop?? I now have 12 nesting boxes (16x16x16) a perching section.
View attachment 3301366
Welcome! I absolutely adore the nesting box picture! So cute!

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