Chickens eating the walls!!! Help!


6 Years
Aug 20, 2013
El Dorado County, Ca
Hi everyone. So my chickens just started to peck holes in the walls of their coop! I have been boarding the holes up, but it seems like there are two more holes for every hole I board up! Has anyone ever had this problem? Is there some kind of spray that tastes bad that I can spray the walls with? Any suggestions would be great! thanks!!! :D
Mustard. Chickens hate mustard. What is your coop made of? Maybe they just need some fiber in their diet
. Sorry bad joke, couldn't resist.
You can try a harder wood if you can't correct the behaviour. I suspect SPF (Spruce/Pine/Fir) plywood is what they are pecking through. Oaks and similar woods are much harder. Wood is measured on a Janka Scale (see link: ) The higher the scale the harder it is for them to peck thru. Don't use Walnut (especially with shavings), it has a toxin (juglone) that is harmful to plants, animals and people. It's only harmful if inhaled or prolonged contact.
screw some thin gauge sheet metal to the coop?, at least to the level where they are pecking at. i would also check your coop for termites or ants. my guess is they are finding something in the wood that they like.

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