Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Once somebody decides their chicken endevor has got to the level where they would like to incubate some eggs it's probably a pretty big deal, and losing eggs that may or may not cost a pretty penny to constantly malfunctioning hard to operate, finicky equipment is a big disappointment. Sure there is a cost factor involved for many who own these but what about the cost of losses to include your sanity in some cases LOL. I just think if your going to try to hatch give yourself and the egg a decent chance and start with decent equipment, That's all.
Once somebody decides their chicken endevor has got to the level where they would like to incubate some eggs it's probably a pretty big deal, and losing eggs that may or may not cost a pretty penny to constantly malfunctioning hard to operate, finicky equipment is a big disappointment. Sure there is a cost factor involved for many who own these but what about the cost of losses to include your sanity in some cases LOL. I just think if your going to try to hatch give yourself and the egg a decent chance and start with decent equipment, That's all.
What incubators do you recommend?

Another question about your cool barrel set-up.... Do you have some type of nest box inside for the hens or do they just lay on the bedding? I would also assume no type of roost?
Oh gee wiz I haven't looked at bator brands in quite some time, but there are I am sure a ton of threads started about such, I will however say......... don't ever buy an LG, it's a chick killer.

On the Barrels................... I do have a roost in some, it's just a 2x2 mounted about 4" off the bottom and all the way in the back. Nest boxes also in some but they are only 3 sided no bottom type basic little things, they do the job as I want as much room in there as I can get, and it does work well.

Sand is the bedding it's the best in this situation.
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I know Iam not much help on the bator issue, I made my own Cabinet incubator years ago, and just listening to all the horror stories from foam bators gives me the heeby geeby's LOL. I am pretty serious about breeding so hatching is a big deal for me, I want to hatch them not mess them up LOL.

So are you thinking about doing a barrel set-up of your own ??

The woman is HUGE. Sister-Girl is probably pushing 350+ pounds, and she walks like she has big show shoes strapped to her feet, tramping through the wilderness. It looks painful and she walks fast. I don't understand how a perfume can be that strong for eight hours daily. Maybe she orders it from NASA instead of Avon.

Please, I'm not bashing big folks and have no issues with them. They are my best singers and cooks with personality! Heck, my momma is 5 x 5 and 93 years old...LOL! --BB

The woman is HUGE.  Sister-Girl is probably pushing 350+ pounds, and she walks like she has big show shoes strapped to her feet, tramping through the wilderness.  It looks painful and she walks fast.  I don't understand how a perfume can be that strong for eight hours daily.  Maybe she orders it from NASA instead of Avon.

Please, I'm not bashing big folks and have no issues with them. They are my best singers and cooks with personality! Heck, my momma is 5 x 5 and 93 years old...LOL! --BB
I really don't know what on Earth you're talking about. Did I miss something here?
Edit: OH you mean that co worker you mentioned a couple weeks ago! LOL!
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Ok, how many of you would say that your rooster is smart enough to do this..or has he?
Or something similar..this is too darn cute/smart
Love this pic!
You'll find lots of support for the upper end, Hovabator, the model with the full, clear top. They price out around $150-$160 and up.
You'll also find lots of support for the Brinsea, Octagon 20. That too is right at $145 shipped to your home. The turning model is around $300.

In other words, that's about where it begins. It is extremely difficult to find enthusiasm for incubators priced below that mark. Yes, there are a few Little Giants and knock offs of it selling for as little as $44. Those have inexpensive controls, no moving air, etc. Really, really experienced hatchers might get something like that to work, but most people just end up with far too much disappointment.

We have two Brinsea Eco 20's. Sure, it's an investment of $300, but they've already paid for themselves, so we don't mind.

Mine's running right now.

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