Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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First of all I would like to know what type breed(s) of chicken would you suggest for a beginning city person, who wants mostly layers ? Next I'd like to know why? Also, can chickens eat snails, and if not could you give me a list of what the do eat (besides chicken feed)?
i'm pretty new to chickens. i have one each of barred rock, buff orpington, silver laced wyandotte, and black australorp. i really like all four breeds. they are "heavy" breeds so aren't as flighty, good temperment, and should give me good eggs (not yet). they make a really pretty flock together.
Question- I have just gotten into raising Freedom Rangers. This batch I only lost one in the brooder. Yesterday I turned them out into their new electronetting and when I got up this morning I had lost 2. They were in the feeder and anyway, they are 4 weeks old today about 2lbs. Are they safe to eat? Normally, if I don't kill it, I don't eat it, but was wondering, do any of you eat young meat birds that haven't made it to processing day?
Spurs. Any body ever trim them? I think the hens feathers could use a break and I'm thinking dremel. I've heard of cautery, but don't know. The roos are already afraid of me now, but have kids coming soon, and they've never seen a little person.
I personally eat nothing that died from unknown causes. Now if the chick was going down on its legs I would put it down and eat whatever meat there was. But finding it already dead? No matter how freshly dead I think it may be I'm not gonna do anything but incinerate it. I know for some that may seem wasteful, but its just my way.

Last summer in the heat wave I lost several fully grown meat birds to the heat. It was an expensive reminder to turn the fan on. I also lost a 45lb. turkey the same week through no fault of my own. Now that was a crying shame, but it smelled like roast turkey around the farm for a good week or two.

On another note I caught me a huge possum last night. Bugger barely fit into the raccoon trap. He can't even turn around in there. The night before last the light had went out in the summer coop and of course predators are never likely to turn down a meal in the moonlight. Fatso killed three chickens, but only ate two and a head. He also took a bite out of one of the live ones. First time in my almost 50 years that I lost a chicken to a non domestic animal. We catch all kinds of critters with the traps set into the dark areas, but never caught one right next to a pen before. For me a light on is the best defense against those sneaky little devils. I used the remaining carcases for bait and left the light off again. Sure enough that ugly rat showed back up.

When I checked this morning he sneered at me, I sneered back, he growled, I growled, he drooled, I said "you are disgusting and just you wait till the old man gets home." Then I set him on top of the coop, so he could sit and contemplate his fate and not bother the chickens as they run amok. I went to work feeding babies, and topping off waterers when I heard a commotion by the summer coop. Carmelita one on my Dark Cornish and Cocoa Bean our Ameruacana roo were doing their darnedest to kill that big fat ugly rat. Those silly chickens. Moved the trap to the shed where he can contemplate his fate in peace and quite. That is until the girls figure out the side door is open or those windows only have screen not real wire. Easy peasy just slam into them and they tare.
I personally eat nothing that died from unknown causes. Now if the chick was going down on its legs I would put it down and eat whatever meat there was. But finding it already dead? No matter how freshly dead I think it may be I'm not gonna do anything but incinerate it. I know for some that may seem wasteful, but its just my way.

Thank you! I've been wondering about this. loanwizard, thank you for bringing it up. I haven't lot any (my first chicks are still in the brooder) but it's been on my mind.
We just got our baby chicks in this morning. One of my daughters d'uclles is missing a toe the hatchery said it may not make it. We have them and the little silkies in a separate brooder. I don't want it to suffer and seeing as this is my first time raising chicks I would like some OT advice. Should I cull her or give her a chance? I got them to be the mammas for my Minorcas since they don't go broody. Also my girls will enjoy some nice Thank you!!!!:D
Breakin my dog gone heart! Now she's askin y is it always her chicks that must die! Dude this convo sucks big floppy donkey *#&$%!!!
The Army made me Hard but not this hard!
the chick will do fine if it is missing a toe.,it will learn to adjust. is the toe bleeding or just a defect. if it is an open sore you need to fix that asap. observe the chick and see how it is doing eating drinking etc. if the chick starts to suffer cull it. i know it is hard do. however it is a mercy kill. i don't think you have to do that though. the bird will adjust. give it some time and observe.
That's my plan. The hatchery gave it till Monday. I don't want to at all but she is walking on her clenched foot. I am willing to give her till we set them out with the rest of the flock in 6-8 weeks. We got her a pair and it looks like its a breeding pair. But not sure if we want to breed her now.... may just buy some more if mommy allows...
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