Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Just for the record, I don't plan on wearing a diaper ever............ even when I am old.

I was sitting in the steam room at the club one day and the old farts were comparing ailments, Gerry says he got up last night to pee, Robert said yeah I had to also twice. Herb looks at them puzzled and they look at him and herb say's you guy's got up. Ok that's gonna be me ......heheheheheheee.

As far as the whole chicken poop will kill you Urban legend............... I have eatin my share believe you me............ tossing shovelfulls into the truck bed and a big gust of wind blows it all over you and in your eyes and mouth. I just got a big drink of water only cause it was kinda gritty tasting.

Handling raw chicken meat will kill you ?????? someone forgot to tell me, cause I have been doing it for 30 yrs, dang now what's going to happen LOL. If you watch any cooking show they wash their hands 40,000 times if there handling chicken, lik it's Nuclear waste or something, that also has fueled this crazy phobia. it all started when some 20 something idiot bought a rotten Walmart chicken and left it sitting around on a warm countertop for a week, then handled it and didn't cook it well enough, ate it, got sick made the top story on CNN, cause it's Mother was to lazy to teach it to cook without a microwave, and there you have it. Just a little tip good meat, keep it fresh and clean.................. handle it all you want to, cook it well enough and know the difference. And you'll be very surprised when you wake up in the morning and your not in the ER LOL.

Biosecurity around my ranch means I only use one pair of boots to do my nasty chores with............... mainly because I don't wanna clean poop off of 2 pairs of boots LOL. Just that simple.

The definition of Urban Farmers as is what they like to be refered as, has an 8 sq ft railed balconey in New york, with a tomato plant in a 5 gal bucket, an OEGB rooster in a parrot cage waiting to lay it's 1st egg, and a coffee cup of parsley growing that is the herb garden, and has 2138 people following their Farming Blog.....Yes now they are farming now by george. Here's yer sign.
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I have hatched chicks as late as December but I have a large brooder in the barn. Had to stop and see where you are at. They should be pretty much feathered out by the time it gets too cold.

Thank you again .. . . we are all so excited my kids are just going wild wanting to hatch their very own babies!! I sure appreciate y'all best thread I have came across and love all the straight talk.
okay i have a very serious chicken problem. so i will need the advice of all chicken persons . i went out today and sat and watched the flock. i was very disturbed of the fact that of i have found.
i had found a med lite brown mass under one of my girls. it was kind of round shaped oblong with some speckles on it. could it be what you folks call an egg or is it just a very large poop.

serious note... my 17 week old pullets started to lay. i am so proud of them and myself for good flock care.. it was a very nice med. egg. very good hard shell. so out came the bowl of oyster shell. yeah chickens.
good stuff Bruce!
Yep....lot of crazy stuff out there that people are swallowing hook, line and sinker. If it's in a mag with shiny pages and bright pics or on a site that looks all woodsy and back to the landish, then it is gospel according to Luke to the general public.

Germophobia and city folks thinking they have a grasp on agriculture and the myriad aspects thereof have led a whole generation down a very strange path, IMO.
true, very true. And sad. I made a delivery a few years ago to Al Rokers neighbor. His 2nd home is a few miles from my house. We are inundated with citiots. So they ask me about the old farm a 1/2 mile the other direction from me. It is now a Budist institute or some such foolish thing not paying taxes on 250 acres. Anyway, they have goats and chickens. They ask me a million questions about them. I tell them they are nice people. I don't know them well but our few times we have met have been pleasant. The responce of the citiots "What do they do with the goats?" Me, I don't know, probably milk or they just breed them. It never crossed my mind to ask them" The citiots " why would they have goats? That's just wierd".
So what is going through my mind but I don't dare say as they haven't paid me yet is "WHAT do you think ?That they aren't Budists and they are Pagans because they have goats? And they sacrifice them at night wearing goat leggings? " But I stood there quietly waiting to get paid and left. Citiots....
So, I had the aggressive 1 1/2 month old cockerel...well, I think I fixed him. I threw him and his brother in a pen with 3 full grown (very territorial and mean) silkie hens. Right off the bat one of the little cockerels tried to attack one of the silkies face, she had that boy down in 2 seconds flat. It was pretty funny to watch honestly. Those silkies taught the boys some respect and showed 'em who's boss. It's only been a day but the cockerels act like completely different birds. I'll just have to see how their roo schooling holds up, but right now it seems promising.
Good move!
I'll send you one right with frills or the blue with tiny Tonka trucks? As laughable as that story is it is also sad....extremely sad that many don't have money to get their children proper medical care but one thinks nothing of dropping that kind of cash on an animal. The world has turned upside down.
Bee, I'm sorry, but I did that very thing 1945, after WWII, my father came home with a monkey (pregnant, of course) and a Hyacinth Macaw (Great Big Blue One) that he bought from a defunct circus. I kept the baby monkey for 30 years before she died, and I still have that damnable bird! He was feeling a bit under the weather, so he went to the vet today. Turns out he was just constipated, but I paid an avian vet to check him out. My dad would be spinning in his grave if I didn't take care of that bird. BTW, I will have to will him to someone when I die, for if he continues to stay healthy, he will outlive me, too!

I lost the last of his Dominecker hens last night because she could not do the breast stroke. Don't know why she decided to go swimming after 12 years!
I can't think of having goats as "weird", at least compared to:

Owning land and not having a garden
Having a garden and not having chickens
Having chickens and not having a garden
Apartment buildings

I mean, that's all weird stuff!
I think goats are definitely weird! Weird eyes, noisy, dirty, stinkin' and they always have their tails in the air....weirds me out to be around them.

I agree with all your other weirds on the list!
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